Sunday, October 13, 2024

Weekend of fun! Wine tour along the Mississippi/Fall camp


Camping was exactly what I was expecting and better at this Hipcamp location. 

They had a swing over look that you had to hike up the quarry to get to the view. 

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Octoberfest in Brainerd!

 It was a fun weekend. One more done! On to planing the next weekend. 

I won the girls Stein holding contest. The time to beat on the wall was 2:23minutes. I got 2:57? I'm sure some one held it longer. Steve and the other Steve were the last holding and the other guy went a lot longer and had the longest time on the board too. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Sums up my Monday!

 I had bigger plans to work for an hour on is Monday and after run errands, bank/store, pay a bill all of which I did. I even drove down the road to check out where the path progress was at and if I could bike on it. Nope, still doing work, but looks like finishing touches adding some grass /straw. Will it be done this week? I sure hope so! I took my popcorn out to the back yard hammock and ending up napping and spending the afternoon just relaxing. It was 82+F and a little windy, enough to need a blanket in the shade. It just seemed like the best plan to enjoy the day. Sure I could have gone for a bike ride too, but relaxing sounded better! 

Today, it's only getting up to 66*F for the high, sunny too so maybe it will feel warmer? We are back into the 80's on Wednesday, but I'm working pretty much a full day, so not able to sit out and enjoy the afternoon! Saturday, one more day of 82*F and sunny! I'll take any 80 or 70 degree days in October! 

Monday, September 30, 2024

Weekend at the Lake

 Sauk was nice to do one last weekend at the lake. It felt like fall with all the willow leaves down and less leaves on the tree for coverage. 

I floated Saturday in the green water. Most of the weeds close to shore were at least dead. Which I had cleared other weekends. Farther out was super weedy. 

Steve and I cut down that huge tree stump by the big tree that was in the way of getting the boat turned out of the driveway. That's gone. The one project we wanted to do. Didn't cut any other trees, but figured out we need a ladder next time we are up in the spring to take down more tree limbs. Especially on the beach, so the branch isn't over hanging our tents! 

View from the kayaks. 

I didn't fish, but Steve did and got one bite and that was it. Hardly any fish in the lake! Its not like it used to be with all the big northerns!!

Great 80+ weather, with zero wind. Super calm and just nice! 
Did a little ham mocking too. We cooked steaks on the grill and had crepes for breakfast. Yum!
Sunday, we wanted to leave early to watch the Viking game at Back Water Brewery in Shoreview. Very crowded, but we got a great spot inside /shaded and still was outdoors with the windows/doors all open. Vikings won 4 - 0 now and then drove home to see part of the Chiefs game where they also won and are 4-0 too. Maybe we will go to the Super Bowl against the Chiefs? They are down a good player Rice, with an injury. 

A nice over all weekend with a few more 80*F degree days left this week too! 

Thursday, September 26, 2024

80 degrees!, Zero!!!

 Zero new polyps for my colonoscopy! That was good news to hear. I've had a total of 5 in the past 8 years. So it was nice to get a clean scan! I still have to go every 5 years. I was hoping it would be 10, but I guess with my father's history of dying of colon cancer, its best to keep on top of it and not have issues! The worst part is drinking that stuff, which wasn't too bad this time. As for the procedure itself, the IV was hurting/stinging a bit for my liking. I spent the rest of the day relaxing in the back yard hammock since it was 80*F. Beautiful day! 

It's back to work today, but this afternoon, I'm going for a bike ride to enjoy the 80 temps and also going to hammock. Maybe I'll actually load up the bike and go somewhere to bike? They are almost done with the new bike trail that connects to the trail behind our house. They put tar down and I think all they need to do is sod or seed the grass and it will be open? Will it be done this weekend? I'd love to bike down it today! I'm ready for a new route to take my ebike! Which reminds me, I need to charge up my bike!! 

Zoey relaxing in the fall sun

Fall bike ride in Hastings. 

Sunday, September 22, 2024

off to the races!

 We were off to the horse races last night with old neighbor friends along with Celina and Don. We stopped at a roof top bar, had a drink or two along with some really good shrimp meal. We got to the races a little late and missed the first two horse races, but still had 6 other's to bet on with $2 min to Place, show or win. I mainly choose place, but did win $7.40 total for the night. 

Steve was the fun lucky winner for the MN Lottery horse race, as his #3 horse came in first. It won us $50 in scratch offs and Jon along with Steve got a MN Lottery swag bag with a mug, T-shirt and blanket. Nice! The $5 scratch-offs only amounted to $15 total. Celina won the most $10 and Jon/Mollie got the $5 dollar winner. I think we all won some and lost some. We also saved on admission that was $10 each, getting in free! Made for a fun night with great weather too! 

I curled my hair and did a little cutting to chop off the ends! 
My hair was getting far too long and the ends were sooo dry! I probably cut at least 3"! 
My hair actually stays curled now that its all been colored at some point. My hair was always too healthy before to hold curls! Glad that's not the issue anymore. I also touched up my hair color roots around my face. 

Tried a new St. Paul Bakery, So Yen. Sooo delicious!! They were cream filled and very light. Just wish the strawberry one would have had cut up strawberries or a whipped cream flavored strawberry. They were a bit spendy at $5 and $7 for the chocolate one. 

Such a cute shop next to the Farmers Market
We also stopped in at the farmer market and grabbed some big tomatoes for stuffing and some acorn squash. 

Weekend of fun! Wine tour along the Mississippi/Fall camp

  Camping was exactly what I was expecting and better at this Hipcamp location.  They had a swing over look that you had to hike up the quar...