Thursday, June 10, 2021

June Goals!

 June Goals! 

Diet - Still going on day #25! I've not been doing very well at staying around 500 - 1000 calories a day. Its more like 1500 calories per day. That still is a reduction of calories so I'm calling it good for now. I just won't lose summer weight as fast! Which is a huge set back since I want to be able to fit into summer clothes. 

Money - Need to advertise more to pick up more customers. I do like my summer work schedule right now, so might wait till fall? 

Home Projects - Still plugging away. Need to finish the basement painting. Hang the new light fixture in the office and keep up on the grass growing, keeping green and mowed outside. 

Vacations- It will be going to the lake to camp, some boating in the evenings or weekends for this month. 

Still trying to figure out a side hustle I can do. I need to do more brainstorming! 

Fitness- Morning running 1 mile and biking 8 miles is the daily goal right now along with my yoga. I'm going for at least 4 times a week. 

Hair- need to color more often, growing it out longer again! Should I cut some long side bangs? 

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