Wednesday, April 20, 2022

It's almost time!!

 I got a much needed pedicure on Monday afternoon. Went back to light pink gel. I love the color! 
I always treat myself to at least 2 pedicures a year in the spring/summer for sandal weather. 

The sky was so pretty Monday night.  Pictures never really capture it fully. 

My last day of Feeding Diago before Celina takes over the next two days. 

I took a screen shot of these suggestions for responding to text messages that are more effective. I do use I'm checking in and following up a lot in my communication already with customers. I need to do the reaching out to... A good tip at any rate. 

Another items I took a screen shot, Wills or Trusts what is better? Right now we only have a will. Might be wise to change that to a Trust so my kids don't get stuck with a huge tax bill. I'll have to look into that more and see what's the best option! 

I sent this to Celina. We usually just do a word of mouth invite for family. It might be a good idea to actually do a formal invite? Although, after Easter and the family drama I want to kind of be done after this with being the host of holidays. Seems not very appreciated and it's a lot of work. I'm leaving it up to someone else to take over and if no-one steps up, that's fine too. 

It's now been 1 week since Steve's eye surgery. That sure went fast! Today we find out how that right iris is doing. If its good, we leave for a mini driving vacation tomorrow. We are in search of warm weather! 70's and above. Will we find that? not sure?? Fingers crossed all is good and we are cleared for our trip! 

It's kind of hard to get excited about going anywhere when we aren't 100% sure if it's going to happen. I'm 99% sure we will go, but there is always that 1% chance. I'm still not making any reservations until after his eye appointment. We also aren't 100% sure where we want to go, chasing the weather but not driving too far away either. 8 hours is pretty much max Steve wants to drive from home. If we did 12 that would be even better! The weather is also mixed with some rain, wind, thunder storms, 80's, 60's and some low's at night of 40's. We plan to camp. I'm thinking skip the tent and just do the car camping, but we'll bring all the tent stuff just incase. I'll have to do all the set up and put away since Steve is on lifting and bending over restrictions. Its just a lot easier if I don't have to set up any tents, inflate the bed etc. Sure a tent provides more room to stand, but we don't do much actual camping other than to sleep. So it makes more sense to just try out my car camping idea. A big tent would be one less thing to bring! 

If all goes great at the eye appointment, I'll be packing up the car tonight and we will leave super early tomorrow morning. We want to get to our destination by 1pm at the latest! 

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