Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Weekend in Brainerd with our Texas friends

We had a nice 4 days of brained at Gull lake. Unfortunatley, came home with some swimmers itch. 
We brought the bikes and kayaks, leaving the jet ski at home this year. They have a pontoon and our other neighbor friends on the lake, had their ski boat. 
Steve and I kayaked in the mornings and fished a bit. He caught a few and I just got some nibbles. Makes it easier if I don't catch fish since I don't take them off the hook. 
Their cabin is located on both gull and love lake. so we kayaked out of the back love lake and took the channel out to Gull. 

Saw deer and turkeys in this yard on my morning bike ride. 

Always beautiful sunsets


Floating on the tubes. 

Out in front of the cabin. Might be our last year going to this friends cabin. Her parents are getting older, can't drive up there any longer and since they live in Texas, don't get back to MN much. 

More pretty sunsets. 


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