Friday, February 24, 2023

Day #87 on my weight loss journey

 I should never look at my stomach in the evening! I eat my dinner of soup and drink lots of water plus ate a bowl of strawberries. The bloat is real! It's okay morning I'm back to normal. Also hungry today since I worked out early today, like 7:20am! Did the stair mill for 30 minutes followed by 30 minutes of weights. No time for the massage chair after. I thought that the last two days of our super snow storm I wouldn't be able to get to the gym so I did the cross ramp at home for 30 minutes and then went to the gym and did my normal workout. I guess there was zero calories burned from working since I didn't work the last two days. I sure needed the time off. It was wonderful. Glad today is Friday and an easy work day too! I had picked up a new customer last week and have another new customer next week. I did lose two customers one monthly, which I wasn't sad about but the other one threw me off and no real explanation. Just circumstances changed and we won't be needing your services. Sucks when you get to know people and its just cut and dry. I just said okay. What more can I say? It's not like they expressed unhappiness.. I should ask but for my mental health.. nope not going there. It's better to just let it go and move on. I have new houses to concentrate on and it's always changing that's the nature of the job! 

My diet will be a bit off today. I will have an early lunch before 10 am because I'm starving and just worked out early. I will most likely have a larger calorie dinner with cake and maybe a drink tonight for Celina's birthday. Tomorrow there will be wine and maybe pizza. I'll have to get in a morning workout at the gym and get in some skiing too! Sunday I want to do coffee and then soup for dinner. Just preplanning my eating splurges to stay on track. 

I'm almost at day 100! only a few more days left to go. I am not where I want to be for weight loss but a lot closer to my goal weight then I was 87 days ago. Every day I am making progress even on my splurge days because I make sure to go to the gym and do think about what I'm eating and drinking to control the calories and make better choices. Got to live a little too and still make progress. 

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