Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Middle of the week..

 April is going fast now... more than half way done. I'm ready for summer and being outdoors as much as possible. After our vacation, all I want is to be outside! It rained all day yesterday. We needed the rain and it worked because things are looking really green! Trees are budding and I see leaves, small ones, but leaves! 

What's on my mind for the day? 

Making more short and long term goals. I've stuck to goals in the past and right now my main goal is to make sure we have enough jobs lined up for both of us and to pay down debt. That's always a goal. We've cut back on going out for dinners and drinks. Saving the money and eating at home. We can still enjoy a drink out, by going back to Covid times where we'd bring a cooler and go to a park or by a lake to enjoy the scenery. I never felt like we were missing out. I actually enjoy that more since we have the best views and can bring the grill to cook some food. I'd rather splurge on a beef tenderloin than have crappy bar food. 

Appliances and lights! We need a new stove. The oven start button no longer wants to work. The stove works just fine otherwise and we do have a microwave/oven/air fryer combo that has been working great for everything.  We do need to replace the stove and are just waiting to pay in cash as we don't want to charge the expense. Plus, I was trying to find a deal and of course get one that we want/which is harder to find a dual gas/electric oven. Glad we can take the time and get one that is the best fit for both expense and function. 

Also lights are on my mind. I've been going through FB market place to search for new lights around the house. Just replacing the ugly boob lights in the hall ways and in some bedrooms. My main light I'd like to replace is the office. Just not sure what that looks like? I figure, once I see it, I'll know. For now, its a like, not an actual need. Just fun to keep looking. 

Weight loss.. Ugh!! I started a diet and then fell off the band wagon. Time to get back on! Time to count calories and choose lower cal options. I'll start with just staying around 1500 cal for the day and keep at that for awhile. I also need to add in more exercise. I've been skipping my weights and planks (stopped while on vacation and now need to start back up) plus, I need to make more of an effort to get to the gym in the afternoons. Just go to lift weight and get a massage. That's the plan, no matter how busy or tired I am after working. I have to stop laying on the couch all afternoon! It's a waste of a day and I get nothing done. I do need a rest after a longer work day, but I do the rest a little too long most days. 

Weekend plans:

We have zero right now. Which is fine. We just got back from a 10 day vacation. I do want to get some house projects done. The yard! Which means spending some money on mulch and renting a sander for the deck. Those things need to be done and I want to enjoy them all summer. Might as well, work on them now. We have branches to remove and some more trees to trim. I'm hoping Steve will want to work on this over the weekend. We really shouldn't be spending right now on things other then paying bills and saving up for the new oven, but its not a whole lot for mulch or to rent a sander. We do have some Menards rebate $ that can be used to pay for the sander rental.  We also have the clear coat paint for the deck, so that's free and so is our labor. The mulch will probably be around $100 / $150 which isn't a whole lot to fix up the yard and then there is branch removal around $30 for 2 truck loads, again free labor of tree trimming and removal. In all, a little bit of money for the refresh in the yard. We also have black dirt to put down  and might have grass seed some where in the garage. If not, seed is also another $50 or more expense, but will make a huge impact with again free, us labor! 

It's too cold this weekend with temps in the 48-57*F and going down into the low 30's at night. So no going camping at the lake or anywhere else. We'll be able to do that soon enough. That's a cheap enough travel trip to do on a regular basis. 

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