Tuesday, May 21, 2024

No photo Monday!

I took zero photos last night of our neighbor women get together. Ugh! I made some cute little turkey and ham round sandwiches that I stacked and added a pick to keep them together. Along with a salary rose and some grapes and strawberries then a cup of small potato straws. It was a super pretty platter. Although, I had a few leftover sandwiches! No-one touched the salami roses and most of the fruit was gone. Ugh! I ended up eating the rest of the sandwiches for dinner so they wouldn't go to waste. I had to use up a whole loaf of bread for this as it's very wasteful making those round sandwiches. I'll use the leftover bread to make a french toast bake and use the cheese for melted nachos or on a sandwich. It all will be used up. 

I was going to make crackers for the occasion, but of course was tired out from my busy workday and then making the platter after shopping. I just decided to rest. I'll make crackers today and the french toast bake for dinner tonight. 

 Steve is still in search of an e-bike. We might be able to get a rebate at some time. This would surly save us on the purchase. Steve found this ebike style that he liked. It's not too bad of a price either! 

I had a super busy Monday and so many schedule changes for today that I only work an hour! I'm now working the morning on Friday as a trade off! Trying to accommodate my clients since it's going to rain that day anyway and we aren't leaving for the lake till Saturday morning. 

I slept in, so I'll go to the gym this afternoon. Its supposed to rain, so a good day to be inside. 

I really need to concentrate on weight loss! I start but don't continue. I need to just stay focused! 

Is our 25th anniversary tomorrow. I should pick up a card for Steve. I was going to make dinner reservations somewhere for Wednesday, but its the survivor finally. I don't want to miss that! We can always go another weekend we are at home. We have some gift cards to use up, so I'll just save those for another time. 

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Sums up my Monday!

 I had bigger plans to work for an hour on is Monday and after run errands, bank/store, pay a bill all of which I did. I even drove down the...