Monday, July 29, 2024

Brainerd Weekend at Jon and Mollie's

 We had a fun neighbor weekend at Jon and Mollie's lake house on Gull Lake in Brainerd. I might have had a little too much fun since I hurt my knee. Though I could step off a dock onto a green slimy cement pad and make it down. My sandal slipped from under me and I hyper extended my right leg and messed up my knee. It feels a lot better today. Just had Advil to keep the swelling down along with the pain. It doesn't hurt as much today and I should be fine working. I'm just going to be a little protective of that leg to make sure I don't suddenly do something to mess it up and make it start hurting. 

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Last of the season!!

 We went boating on the St. Croix river yesterday afternoon for the last time of the season. It was a nice 84*F day, kind of cloudy. The wat...