Sunday, August 4, 2024

St Croix River for the day!

 We along with Celina, Don, Logan, Hesue and Maggie went out on the St. Croix River yesterday. We did have some big issues! Got a late start as the kids were going to meet us at the dock. We were 1-1/2 hours late! Yikes!! Went to Aston to launch and found all the parking spaces filled and a long line of boats, so we drove back to Hastings to put in the boat at the Mississippi. That was not fun! No dock and a current. Made sure to start the boat first before Steve was off the trailer then I backed in. I'm horrible at parking the big trailer, so sure enough it wasn't straight and then I corrected, got the trailer straight but not the truck. Steve had to walk back to fix it. I realized, I forgot my cell in the truck, so we docked and Steve walked back to get it. We finally made it to pick up the kids on the Prescott dock. Drove straight to the island to make sure we got a spot for the day! I also forgot the ketchup and mustard for the brats which cooked on the beach. We just brought our little grill. No one seemed to like the unhealthy snacks and Aldi brand. Oh well! It's what I had time to get last night. Which was better than nothing! We spent the entire time floating in the water and enjoying the day. Even floated once down and walked back due to the current being too strong. I got a little burnt on my forehead since I wiped the sweat off and sunscreen when we were loading up the boat. Taking the boat out of the water, went fairly okay. Steve walked the boat to the trailer and I backed it up into the water and pulled it out too. We sure got home quickly being only in Hastings. 

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Weekend in Lanseboro!

 We had a nice weekend in Lanesboro. Our main reason to go was to Kayak on Saturday down the root river.  I'll have to post photos later...