Tuesday, September 3, 2024

56 is the number!

 I hate getting older now. My body is feeling it! Or is it still the injury from July? Yep that too! 

I had a wonderful long weekend with Steve Celina and Logan  and of course Don too. We drove out to Milwaukee on Thursday after working in the morning with just Logan and the car packed with camping stuff and all his clothes. What we couldn't fit in our car Celina and Don took with them. It all worked out as we got all his stuff and things he forgot to his apartment. Senior year in college with graduation in May!! 

Steve and I stayed the night in Logan's apartment on an air mattress in his living room. It's pretty quiet there. We cleaned it since it had gotten pretty dusty over the summer. Purchased some supplies he needed for the year, but saved the food buying till yesterday. We also sprayed peppermint oil and got some raid to get rid of spiders and crawling bugs. There wasn't that many thankfully, but any bug is too many. Steve also sealed up all the cracks with white caulking in the bathroom and his bedroom. We purchased an under the door strip for his bedroom and installed that. Got him a new shoe rack and another bar for hanging up clothes in his closet and hung up a few pictures and posters. 

The next day, we headed to Door county and meet Celina and Don at the Winery before heading to the campground. We mostly cooked our own food, but did eat a few meals out on my Birthday BBQ and then a few drinks at Breweries/ Wineries then a dinner out in Milwaukee last night followed by more drinks. 

Door county was nice and the weather perfect! We couldn't have asked for a better family vacation other then to have Kendra, Paul, Evan and Madelyn with us. 

Here are a few photos, which I'll have to add later. Internet is not connecting!! grrr.. 

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Weekend in Lanseboro!

 We had a nice weekend in Lanesboro. Our main reason to go was to Kayak on Saturday down the root river.  I'll have to post photos later...