Monday, September 16, 2024

Weekend in Lanseboro!

 We had a nice weekend in Lanesboro. Our main reason to go was to Kayak on Saturday down the root river. 

I'll have to post photos later. 

We Set up camp at Eagle cliff campground. Which was new to us. We don't rally like campgrounds but wanted to try somewhere new. They also offered transportation to drop us off and we could get out with our kayaks right at the campground, kayaking past our tent! 

We tried out the new cots with the single layer air mattress on top. It was smaller than our regular queen air mattress. Plus, between the plastic of the cot mattress and the full size mattress it would rub every time you moved and made a crunching noise. We figured out that putting a thin blanket between the two eliminated that noise, but not until after night two and we were ready to pack up! I'll get a bigger mattress for the top too and have more room to move! Let's just say, it was not the restful sleep I wanted! Didn't really save much time either since we had to still blow up one mattress, but up higher off the ground which was a plus! I do like the extra storage for stuff under the bed like putting shoes there. 

We kayaked from 11 to 3pm, the other trip would have been 5 hours. Maybe next time?  We brought a small cooler and then a bag of snacks. We really didn't eat all that much. 

Friday we went to a brewery after setting up our tent. We just had the food truck pizza that was pretty raw and small. Then picked up pie from the pizza place that was just okay. 

We did have a nice fire that night and the neighbors sprayed a fogger, so no bugs for us! We actually stayed out pretty late at the fire. Still had 2 leftover sticks of purchased wood. 

We went out to dinner to get Prime rib Saturday night after a stop in the afternoon at a brewery in Lanesboro. Ate and then came back and went into the tent. It had rained a little on and off and everything was wet/dew covered.  Our neighbors were up and playing weird loud music till quiet time, 10pm. Only downside of campgrounds! It still wasn't bad listening to others. Entertainment! 

Packed up and came home by noon. Just in time to watch the Vikings and Chiefs win! I should have enjoyed the 85 degree weather, but when you're not at the lake, it felt HOT! Probably should have taken the boat to the river. 

This week till Thursday will be nice in the 80's and then rain, but still 80 until the weekend and it will rain every darn day. Guess that's our plan is to be home!

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Weekend in Lanseboro!

 We had a nice weekend in Lanesboro. Our main reason to go was to Kayak on Saturday down the root river.  I'll have to post photos later...