Monday, March 15, 2021

My Children are living it up. Plus Great News!

 My children are living it up lately. Celina and Don just got back from a week in Tampa Florida on the beach. While Steve and I stay locked down, avoiding catching covid. The kids will stay in the basement for a few days and get covid tested before we all can be around each other again! 

Logan left on Sunday on a private jet to South Carolina, Charleston for three days. He returns Tuesday night. Friday he fly's out on another private jet, leaving again for Alabama & Florida for a week. He has been pretty good about sending photos back. I want to be able to live through my kids vacations! Makes me really want to travel some where once we are vaccinated! 

Good news on that front too! We are getting our vaccination this Wednesday! We have to travel close to where our lake property is located. I have been searching for appointments since the vaccination was open up to our illegible group. I will gladly drive an hour + from home to be Covid vaccinated!! I grabbed the last appointment, placed Steve on the wait list and he got in too! I was able to make him an appointment with his doctor on Monday, but would rather just take the soonest as possible vaccination. We don't have to travel far for the 2nd dosage! We can go any where we are offered Moderna. 

We had a beautiful sun rise this morning! We also found out that the hail damage to Celina's car was a lot! More than the car is still worth! We have a decision to make. Take the money and buy another car or just keep her salvaged car. I'm leaning towards getting a new car for her. This one has far too much damage and is not worth anything. This way, she can get a newer car, without hail damage. We are letting Celina decide what she would like to do! 

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