Wednesday, July 14, 2021

A little or a lot of a push out the door!

 I've fallen off a workout cliff. I need to stop over thinking and just go. Plus, healthy eating habits, back to weight loss efforts are needed. Time to make some big changes as this will also help improve my mental health. 

I did attempt to get out of a mental blah... Painting! I sat outside which always makes me feel better and painted some wood scraps. 

I like how this one turned out. The other two, not so much. I'm going to try just using the paint pens to draw something on rocks or domino's (which I saw used on another blog I follow). Wood is a little rough and will need to be painted first before I can draw. I'm not super artistic, but I am trying and it does feel good to created something. 

Not exactly feeling 100% today. I work this morning for two hours and then am off Thursday-Friday. I thought about going to the lake with Zoey, but it's kind of boring being alone up there. I'd be stuck with Zoey not being able to go into stores. I just don't want to be up there without her either. What will I do at home? Good question.. Maybe more painting, mowing the grass, biking, running working on me and my mental health? I do need to make positive changes. But how am I planning on doing that? I do write out a todo list and check off items I accomplish. I think time needs to be added, so I don't dwell on it taking too long. Like doing a little pick up around the house, purging items or selling what we no longer use. A little every day will make a big difference. I've had that mentality, I will do it tomorrow. Later... well, later doesn't really ever happen. 

Here's to finding Positive in daily life:
Painting rocks and I want to do more, which is good. 
I'm going to do some baking, making a fruit tart. I made chicken lettuce wraps for dinner the other night. I usually don't make dinner as I have zero desire to cook. I did have to push myself to go thought the motions and it felt painful, but I did it! Which is a huge accomplishment. 
Bills are paid - which always feels good to get that all out of the way. 
I made a few on line purchases yesterday so I have packages to look forward to receiving. A new solar power for charging the cell phones while at the lake, more bands for the bike rack, and 2 more solar tree lights for our yard or the lake. 

Here's to making myself more accountable! 
Running - 1 mile with Zoey (15 minutes) at the park
Working 9-noon
Mow the lawn (30 minutes) 
Paint (1 hour)
G-shop  30 minutes
Make fruit tart ( 30 minuets to 1 hour)
Biking 40 minutes to be determined - based on rain this afternoon! 

Today I'm going to limit cell usage. This blocks me from doing anything. Time to change habits! 

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