Thursday, July 15, 2021


 It felt back to normal like old times having dinner with Steve's 80+ year old parents at their house. 

Delicious, beef tenderloin and home made fries. 

Topped it off with this! 

I was pretty tired yesterday afternoon just like Zoey! I ran 1 mile with Zoey, then biked 8 miles and worked for a few hours. I took a much needed afternoon nap and slept all night long! Go figure! 

No working today for me as I am off Thursday/ Friday. I was going to go to the lake with Zoey, just the two of us for 4 days but changed my mind. I have plenty to do around the house at least for today. I still could change my mind. Steve will be working all weekend, so I might be looking for something to do with all my time. 

I have a lot I could get done around the house. I am once again just feeling laZy. I even took a full 200mg of caffeine this morning and its not working! Maybe I need some breakfast? As I do feel hungry this morning. 

Here's what I have on my plate for today!
Mow the grass (Front and back yard)
Bike - 8 miles
Paint - and sit outside
Clean our bathrooms and wash the floor
Pay some bills
and make my fruit tart
Schedule a pedicure for this afternoon with Celina. 

It's already 9:30am and I'm not feeling like doing anything. I kind of want to go back to bed and watch some TV. Yesterday, I was able to get myself out of this funk by running and biking. I sure hope that's the case today. I just need to get started! Not let myself do nothing! Maybe that's why going to the lake sounds soo good. Just to do nothing all day long. Sit outside and just exist.. Sleep in.. and be outdoors. 

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