Saturday, August 21, 2021

What's going on in my life this week?

 I see others post on the W's. 

What's been making me happy? Boating on the St. Croix river 2 times this week, once with the kids and the other time just the two of us. 
We also have had nice warm weather in the 90's this week with humid, warm mornings which are my favorite! 
Steve won $51 on Bingo! We also came upon the game as a spontaneous fun night out Tuesday night. 
We might have gone out to dinner a few too many times this week, but with perfect patio weather and few left this year, why not? 

We also had a few IPA beers, maybe a bit too many since we went out Tuesday, Thursday and Friday so far this week. 
The kids and I were able to ride along the Mississippi River for a much needed 14 mile bike ride. The only  bummer part was Celina being stung multiple times by a wasp that ended their bike ride early. 

We also scheduled a trip to Austin Texas to visit friends who live there. Fingers crossed Covid in Texas isn't even more out of control. I don't want to cancel the trip! 
The kids canceled their camping with friends at the lake this weekend due to cooler temperatures and a storm on Friday night followed by possible more rain on Sunday morning. They just didn't want to go if the camping weather wasn't perfect. Can't blame them and it was a good thing they didn't go up to the lake Friday as just south of the lake, in Belgrade was a tornado last night! 

I picked up a new client this week. I did have another new customer cancel on me but will reschedule soon. So it was a high and low for work. I do need to advertise more. I did post an ad on Monday so it did pay off with a new client. I'm actually waiting till after next week to do more advertising since we will be busy getting Logan off to college and going on a few last long weekend vacations. 
What are we eating? Not enough from the refrigerator as we ate out Thursday and Friday night! I did throw some pork into the crock pot Wednesday night, so we still have taco's or pulled BBQ pork to eat up along with all the Costco veggies in the frig. 
I haven't been running or Walking Zoey this week. I'm trying to heal my feet issues. I do feel bad, we've left her home alone a lot this week while out boating. 
Logan is almost ready to go off to College. We just need a few more things for his dorm. We did shop and get a comforter, etc.. only a week left, hard to believe he will be off on his own. 

We will go one more time in September to the lake. I'm hoping more than just one more, but it all depends on the weather! 

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