Saturday, November 20, 2021



Logan is home for the Thanksgiving week! 

Logan's first time riding the train from Milwalkee to St. Paul. None of us have ever ridden the train so this was all new. Even going to just the train station and figuring out how to pick up him was a learning experience. 
The train station is really large and super pretty. Not very busy at all! 

We picked a spot along the side of the upstairs building window and watched the train slowly come in to the station. Just got to wait inside for Logan to de-board the train. It was like the old days when you picked up people from the airport and could wait at the gait. Kind of nice to pick up someone that way instead of just waiting for them in the car. 

I wanted to hear all the train riding details. Since his train didn't leave till 3:45pm, it was mostly dark looking out the train window. Logan said there was too much light reflection on the windows to see anything out side. He did say the train was very quiet! His roommate was going home, so was able to go to the station with him and sit together for awhile till he had to move to another section. Guess they make you sit according to where you get off. They only stop at this smaller towns for 2 minutes! A quick stop and they are off again! Logan just got a regular seat, but you can upgrade and get a sleeper car for three times the amount. If I were to pay that much, might as well book a plane ride! It was a 6 hour train ride, about the same as driving home and it was only $50 one way. Not bad to get him home safe! Plane ride would have been around $300. A lot more$$
Logan's train didn't get in until 10:05pm, so we had some time to spend before picking him up. We decided to have a drink/play cribbage at a Brewery in Woodbury. After we ate salad and shared a deep dish pizza at Pezzo's. It was perfect timing because we were able to get to the station and still have 15 minute to figure out where to park and go to wait for the train inside. 

Logan's train was going on to Seattle. They let the people in the sleeper cars board first and also let them sit in a separate waiting area from the rest of the passengers that may or may not get a seat to wait for the train. 

Last night while at the brewery, this guy looked like someone I went to H.S with. I still have no idea if it was or not?? 

Found this cute candy idea to try. 
We might not have snow on the deck anymore, but it sure is looking like winter with no more leaves on the trees. I am ready to cross country ski, so we need at least 6" of good snow to have the trails groomed. I either want a lot all at once, not this dusting of snow! At least it didn't stick around long

I've been trying to get out of this funk where I am just blah. Don't have any desire to do anything and just waste away the day.  I have the hardest time finding joy, which is probably a sign of depression. While I don't think its that bad, mostly manageable because I can get myself to do a minimal amount of workout, going to work. Still want to go out on the weekend nights. I'm just going though the motions and nothing is snapping me out of where I'm at. Even on vacation, the only time I was really enjoying myself was when we rode the electric bikes. I didn't want it to end. Am I just bored with everything? I just find myself  doing less and less and being okay with that for the most part. Meanwhile, my house is gathering a bunch of piles of everyone else's stuff. Which makes me not want to do anything because I just can't remove the clutter and when I do, it comes right back. Every day seems to be a battle to just do something in the afternoons and evenings. 

Here is what I've tried and some idea to try! 
Making lists of todo items. 
Telling myself I must limit screen/phone time to 1 hour after work
Getting myself a Fitbit to keep track of my steps to move more
Trying to plan things that I will enjoy, like shopping for something, making a craft, baking. 

I have all these plans to get things done and be productive but I fall back into the "I'll do it tomorrow" or it doesn't need to be done at all. 

I did force myself to start a craft project. I got out all the supplies, set it up and did the first step, painting the blocks. I couldn't wait till I was done with all the blocks and now it's been 2 days and I haven't even though about doing more on this craft project. 

I did bake some rice crispy bars. Which I love baking but then ended up eating them all in two days. Which is not helpful and the reason why I just can't bring myself do bake. I don't want it around to eat! 

I also need to save money instead of spend it. So I am not in a rush to go out and shop. I figure it's easier to just stay home and not spend. So I don't end up going anywhere even though I do need to return some stuff. I just don't want to spend more when I should be saving. 

I should do more exercise, but work kind of zaps my energy. Plus, I'd rather workout in the mornings but need energy to work too!  Lots of times, I just run out of time in the mornings and can't fit in a run, but at least I do my plank and lift weights and always get in my hour plus of floor yoga. So I'm doing something and keeping up with friends by emailing. 

It's a new day and another chance to get out of this funk!

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