Friday, December 31, 2021

Last day of 2021!!!

 I think we are all ready to say goodbye to 2021!! I'm not sure 2022 will be that great either with Covid on the up ward climb again with the new variant Omniron that can infect the vaccinated too, but just not get us as sick. Also stronger storms are occurring every year. There was a deadly tornado down south in December, now Colorado has a large fire that burned 500+ homes near Denver! What's to come of 2022? Should we be hopeful with the costs of everything increasing, but not incomes as fast? 

How Steve and I spent the last two days of the year!
Thursday, we went cross country skiing! I started a new hobby! Which is diet and exercise. The only two things that truly make me happy. I though of other hobby ideas but none brought the rewards and joy like being fit and losing weight. So for now this is what I'm concentrating on. Me! 

I do love to bake. Saw this bread making book on Tic Tok. A must get cook book! 

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