Sunday, February 27, 2022

Meal Plans.. What's this?

 I read a few blogs that try to be thrifty and do meal plans, try to reduce the costs of food they purchase and use up what they have on hand. That's not really my thing, and I am not super interested in reading how people are thrifty but for some reason I keep reading. I do think its a good idea to try and be thrifty, but we all have our area's where we choose to be. For me, it's more recycling what we already own, spray painting a light fixture or Lamp to make it new and fit in with the ever change house decor. 

I eat my lunches at home and we don't go out for breakfasts. We do like to go out for dinner and drinks, but we choose cheaper places mostly and share a meal. 

Food, we go to Costco, buy things we use a lot in bulk. We aren't so great at using up what we have on hand. We have an over flowing pantry, freezer and refrigerator. We probably could cook a few more meals at home. 

Here's what we ate for dinner all week:

Monday - Potstickers (frozen and heated up) Rice

Tuesday - Bare Chicken nuggets with hot sauce and rice

Wednesday - Domino's pizza 

Thursday - Out to dinner, Tomahawk steak, salad and brussle sprouts, with chocolate dessert, chip/salsa

Friday - Pulled pork tacos with all the fixings (salsa, cheese, guac, pico, taco sauce, coleslaw, peppers and rice)

Saturday - Appetizers at a friends house, olive bread, corn chips, cheese dip, and sausage stuffed mushrooms

Most days I have PB nuggets (5 or less) for breakfast. I did have hash browns Saturday and leftover pizza Friday morning this week. This morning, I'll be having pulled pork, rice and peppers for breakfast! 

How am I being thrifty? I spray painted the kids bathroom outlet covers instead of purchasing new. I also replaced two of the bedroom door knobs with some that I purchased back in the summer. 

We didn't eat out Friday or Saturday night. Opting to make a family meal for Celina's birthday and then going to friends on Saturday night. Also did the drive up to get a pizza and used a coupon to get a large pizza for $7, which made that into 3 meals! We also saved $75 on a refund from Logan not being able to come home this weekend on the bus, a refund. 

Where we did splurge - Celina's birthday night out to eat. Gift for Celina, but stayed on budget since we gave her cash. 

Extra $, The cat sitting job fell though, so no extra earning this weekend after all. I posted a vanity for sale on C.L. Still hasn't sold. Will post more to try and sell what we have and no longer use. 

Saving on the bathroom remodel with Steve doing all the work. He is installing the door today. 

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