Tuesday, June 28, 2022

E-biking and stopping at the Chimmy in Hampton.

My view on my biking route.  

Taking Logan to see the Chimmy. 

Pizza in town. 

Quarry park and Lake house Gull Lake

Our Explore Sunday took us to St. Cloud, MN Quarry park. It did not disappoint!  

We picked the right day to go see the quarry. It was cooler than average, so not many swimmers/people at the park on a mid Sunday afternoon. Otherwise, on a hot summer day, this place probably is very crowded! 

We walked the trails to most of the 20 quarries. All were very different with only 2 swimming spots. Others for for trout fishing, scuba diving, and rock climbing. 

Piles of un-used granite. They had signs all over, NO climbing! I can see why!!

Our first stop and the quarry. Absolutely beautiful!

Picture perfect!
Kids jumping off the cliffs into the 140ft water

Even a sandy beach area on one of the quarries. 
We also checked out the rushing water at the Mississippi river dam. They had 11 inches of rain in the area and a section of hwy 10 was flooded. 

Our neighbor friends are building a lake house on Gull Lake. 
It's still under construction, but we camped on the beach. Got a house tour and hung out inside to get out of the wind. 
Boating on the lake and a view from the lake house

Friday, June 24, 2022

Enjoying Summer Days

 I'm trying to make the most out of summer. Celina and I hit up Welch to tube down the Cannon River. Should have brought our own tubes! lesson learned. While we won't save any money bringing our own tubes, they have a back rest and mesh bottom, which is 100 times better than the tire tubes we rented. 

Glad I invested this year and grabbed a new water cooler float. Plus, re-used our mini coolers from last years kayaking trips. Worked great with the clips to hold them on to the raft along with water proof cases for our cell phones. 

I spent quite a few nights with Steve sleeping outdoors in our back yard tent. I love sleeping outside on cool 65*F nights. I sleep so good. It's also nice to hear frogs and birds. Not exactly the lake view but our backyard bonfire. 

I'd go outside in the afternoon to and lay in the tent. Gets me outdoors more and extends summer. 

We've been eating lots of watermelon lately. It's sooo good. I need to buy another and cut it up, ready to eat! Always a good snack!

I'm trying to get back into running. Little by little. Taking Zoey with for the run. Finally figured out her chest harness and to get her from pulling, I clip it on the front. Works better and I don't get dragged along for the run. 

I'm still loving my electric bike. I still ride every day. Got my new replacement water bottle holder and a new Black water bottle for my bike. I do a 9 mile loop every day. At some point, I might switch back to my regular bike. For now, I'm enjoying a little extra help on the hills. 

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

A Steamy Hot Tuesday!

 I sure am missing being at the lake during the day. It would be nice to just float in the water. Just not be there at night since it's super hot and muggy. 

Not sure if we will go to the lake this weekend.  We have more todo. Rocks to add to the driveway to fill in the new driveway ruts, so water doesn't pool up and make it a muddy mess. Plus, we have trees to take down to get electric put in. Always something to do. This way it would be ready for the 4th of July weekend. 

No bingo tonight. We are either going boating or movie watching. I'd like to go boat! 

Monday, June 20, 2022

Father's Day

Father's Day. It was a hot one with temps at 97/98*F!  

Celina and Don joined us on a early morning bike ride before the heat started up. 

After, we all met up at the car show. Of course I forget to take a photo of Steve with his kids, but at least I did get a photo with his Dad. 

Winery for a few bottles and some cheese, crackers before going to dinner in Prescott. 

Thursday, June 16, 2022

What I found on my bike ride

I passed by all these pretty flowers in tall grass on my bike ride.  

Some one must have sprinkled in some flower seeds. They didn't look like wild flowers. 
Also came across a new to me splash pad for the little kids. 

would have been nice to have this when the kids were little. 

After bingo the town bridge looked so pretty with the sunset. 

I have a ton more seeds to vacuum up. Its going to be a windy Thursday, so hopefully the rest of the seeds will fall and I won't have to keep cleaning them up! I'm sure it will be back to more cotton seeds soon after. 

After work, Zoey and I were pretty lazy yesterday afternoon. It was raining, so we took a two hour nap! Of course I was up till 2am, so I'm sure today I'll be tired again. I just hate wasting away a day. Guess it was a rain day, so not too much lost since I couldn't be outside anyway. The night was nice. Go figure. So Steve and I went to Menards, Lowes and Home Depot in search of some materials he needs for a bathroom tile job. He is off again this morning running to a store out in Shakopee to get what he needs. 

Dieting, I need to get started again! Baked up some of Trader Joes croissants. So good, but not what I need to be eating. I usually don't eat breakfast, so this was a rare treat other than weekends when we are at the lake and stop at Mc'd. 

I see a lot of people feel like they don't have a purpose in life. What is my next purpose? I think to get more exercise and workout more again. I had better mental health when running. Even though I'm scared to get my feet touched, poked at I made a dr appointment to fix my foot issue so hopefully the pain will be gone and I can do more running. I feel my foot burning even when laying in bed at night. Somethings just not right! 

I also need to start soaking my calloused feet in vinegar and water to smooth them out. My heals are so rough. It should be on my weekly todo list. 

before the 4th

 The 4th weekend is going to go fast. unfortunately looks like rain every day! Probably should have done option #2 and headed to the north s...