Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Last 80*F of the year! in October!!

 We had our last 80*F day. Now temps dipped to 58*F for the high and we might see 60's again next week. 

We took our last fall boat ride on the Mississippi River. It was super windy so the St. Croix had ocean waves. It was still some what rough boating on the Mississippi but it worked and we didn't get soaked from waves coming into the boat. I got smashed a few times, but not that much cold water landed on me. 

It was a nice ride... 
A perfect day. 
We ended the night by going to play Bingo. Steve won $21. Had to split with another good Bingo which cut the $43 in half. 

We are undecided about our weekend plans. Probably should stay home and mow the lawn, clean the garage and put away all the camping stuff till next summer. I kind of want to go to Racine Wisconsin and visit Logan in Milwalkee. It's only going to be in the 50's, so chilly. I did find a camp ground with electric and they have plenty of spots still to camp that are open. Makes for a cheaper weekend if we don't have to pay for a hotel. Although, we'd be eating out in the city which is quite a bit of money. Plus, we'd stock Logan up on food and what ever else he needed. I'd love to visit him at college, but not sure we should spend the extra money since we have 3 November B-days coming up, along with T-day and soon Christmas and 3 more b-days. It's a lot of spending the next two months. Plus, we are waiting to hear if Steve's work schedule is full. Two possible big jobs coming up, but no set start date as they both are waiting to see when they will have sold houses. It's a wait and see, but at least possible work. We have Logan's college school bill to pay also in December along with the new road bill, Yikes!! All crammed into a few months. 

I too lose a few customers that are snow birds going south for the winter. So I need to pick up a few more new ones to make up for the loss. Although, I do pick up extra work at the holiday time and of course get tips which also help with gifts. 

I need to get back on the losing weight and working out more to take care of me! Trying to make little changes in my morning. Doing daily planks, lifting dumb bells and taking Zoey for walks, running on the cross ramp, biking and soon cross country skiing. As long as I keep moving every day! Just need to be more productive in the afternoons. 

Celina has yet another interview on Thursday. I'm hoping she gets a jobs soon. I'm ready to turn her cell bill and car insurance over to her. Plus have her help buy her special foods. We won't charge her rent, but I'd like to pay less every month on some items that she can cover once getting a regular pay check. Fingers crossed she starts working asap! 

In other news. I need to get a covid booster shot, flu and shingles shots. I keep putting all off, but need to start taking care of this too! Might start this afternoon and just do one a week! 

I'm helping Kendra next week bake cookies and make truffles for a wedding order she received for her small business. We will bake Thursday/ Friday and deliver on Saturday. I'm so happy she asked me to help. Gives me something to do and I love when my kids still need me as adults. So glad I was able to watch Madelyn on Monday. It was nice to get some one on one time with her. 

I have nothing much planned for the rest of the week. Just working in the mornings a few hours. I have some errands to run today. Picking up some stuff from Costco and that's about it for my todo list! 

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