Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Deals /gifts and diet

  I used some of our Visa points to purchase 2 - $50 gift cards to TJ max that will go to the kids for a Christmas gift. Plus used fetch points for a Target gift card of $25 and almost have enough points to purchase one more $25 gift card. I also used my Target app's $20 credit on a wallet finder slim card/ Tile. That will go to Logan because he always looses his wallet. I need to purchase a few more of those cards, one for Steve too! 

I decided I have 25 days to lose weight before Christmas and the new year. No better time to start than now! I will feel a lot better because this summer I want to be wearing a bathing suit again at the lake. I want to start running again and skiing this winter. My plan is to have one meal a day, low calories. No alcohol as that will just delay weight loss progress. I might end up eating dinner around 4:30 pm, but it will be one meal only. I am giving up sugar too as I don't need it. Only sugar will be from sweet potatoes. 

Day 1 = Morning, yoga and working from 9am to 1:30pm.. Burning calories. Hardest part of the day will be when I'm home from working around noon to 4:30pm (4-1/2 hours) I'll ski, read or nap the time away for the first few days. Today, Zoey has a vet appointment at 3:30pm and I get home late after 1:30pm, so only 2 hours of time to focus on diet and sticking with it. Not much time to deal with thankfully. Tomorrow, will be noon to 4:30pm which I'll get in some skiing to burn more and stay out of the kitchen! I'm sure after I'll be tired and hungry so pre-thinking about what I'll have for a low calorie dinner is key! Salsa and rice or a sweet potato will be good options we have around already. I'll be making some low calorie soups too for variety. Plus, skiing every day and doing my morning weights etc.. 

It's just 25 days to start for my diet. I figure if I can stay around 500 calories and under 1000 I could lose a pound every 2 days. That would give me around 13 pounds of weight loss by Christmas. A good goal and 15 pounds by New Years Day! I like that idea instead of gaining or staying the same weight. I'm sure once in a while I'll have more than 500 but will plan to stay under 1000 calories for the day. My goal is to get back to my weight before gaining it all back this past few years. I lost it quickly in about 2 months years ago and I can do it again. I just need to stay focused and want better health going forward in my 50's. 

Exercise/running kept off the weight and when that stopped, the weight came back on. Plus, drinking beers added to that weight. All which I need to give up with sugar. It's just not healthy! 

So here is to day 1 and my progress as I go on my weight loss journey. 

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