Thursday, December 22, 2022

Day #23 of weight loss

 I reached day #23. I had some doubts last night about if I've lost weight at all. Is it only 10 pounds? Could it be 5 pounds per week or 4 pounds? Not really sure since I have no idea where I started from. I can tell my waist is smaller and maybe my neck fat is going down. The rest of me? Not so sure I've lost much weight. Well, there is two paint sizes that I've lost. So yes, it's working but sometimes not fast enough. 

I did go through my closet and picked out a few sweater to try on. I'm wearing one today. The others.. I have more weight to lose before they fit better. That in itself is a win! I'll wash this sweater and maybe wear it on Christmas since it's red. I have one more black and white sweater that I could try on to see if it fits. It's a cardigan so it should look good too. Clothes I haven't worn in a few years. 

Yesterday I ate popcorn again for lunch and a bowl of my Thai soup along with one ravioli. I should have skipped the ravioli but I wanted to eat it and was still around 530 aprox calories given I'm guessing. I have no idea what the calories are in the soup or ravioli. It's just an estimate. Still low calories for the day even if I under guess the calories. Probably why I am not losing weight faster, but it's still fast weight loss for 23 days. The articles I read are just reduce calories by 500 per week and you'll lose a pound a week. OMG, I'd have to diet for 20 weeks just to lose 20 pounds! I'd rather have lost 20 pounds in 4 weeks on this low calorie diet. or 8 weeks to lose 40 pounds. Half way there to my weight loss goals!! 

What's in store for today? We had about 12" of snow yesterday. It's a guess but it's light and fluffy. Around -20 out there. Super cold! Not very windy yet, the winds start tomorrow. I canceled work for today since the weather reports all said Blizzard 50 mph winds. Well, that doesn't arrive till Friday early morning. I texted my Friday customer to see what she wants to do for this week. I'm hoping it can wait till after Christmas so I don't have to work today. I really want to just wrap the rest of my packages, shower and then bake some cookies today. That might change if I'm working today. I'll still wrap the gifts and shower, but baking will have to wait till Friday and I'll clean my own house Saturday morning. Plenty of time to get all done. 

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