Friday, December 30, 2022

Two days left of 2022!!

I like even years, but we have to get through the next odd year first! Not sure if I'm going to be looking forward to 2024, just depends on what happens to our elections that year, so better enjoy 2023!

What are my Fitness, financial and family goals for 2023?  


Continue to go to the gym at least 5 days a week, lift weights and do 30 to 1 hour of cardio

Outdoors, bike, run, hike, ski as weather permits

Continue to lose weight on my 500 cal diet till I reach 149/145 pounds and then maintain by counting calories and staying around 1500 to 2000 per day with working out. 

Limit alcohol to max 3 drinks a week, better yet zero! 


Pay off Truck loan in May, keep adding extra money per month to pay off my Toyota auto loan. 

Check one more year of paying mortgage and getting closer 2026 to being mortgage free. 

Pay off visa credit cards

Get tax refund and add to savings

Have both kids working and making their own money. Logan needs an internship this summer! Celina needs to be hired on after her contract expires in May. 


Prepare for Celina to move out to her own T.H sometime in the fall/late summer. Organize house 

Take more camping trips with the kids 

Spend more time with Evan and Madelyn / Plan activities I can bring them to. Movies, sledding, skiing, parks, camping , picnics etc.. 

That's about all I can think of for this year, which is similar to last year, only this year I'm getting down to my goal weight and fitness again! 

I'm on day #31, past the one month of being on a diet mark! A big goal day! 

I tried to find some sunglasses as my week #5 goal reward. I'm still looking! 

Thursday is fairly easy for me to stay on my diet. Steve goes out and I'm on my own for dinner. Steve had cooked up three chicken breast so I had half of one along with left over smashed potatoes, roasted broccoli and squash slice. My stomach was hurting after I ate half the chicken, so I can eat the rest for dinner tonight if we don't go out. I'd like to save the going out for NYE. We have pizza dinner reservations. Thankfully, it's wood fire, thin crust pizza but still 250 calories per slice as I looked up calories. I'd like to think one slice would be enough, but I'll most likely want at least 2 but won't go beyond that since I want a drink too. I'll stick with popcorn for lunch like I've been doing every day. Which reminds me, better get more popcorn asap as we are almost out! 

I find it's easier to pre-think about meals. This way I plan splurges and am able to predetermine how much I'll eat and what I will drink. Do I always stick with that, no but at least I've thought about calories and am mindful of going beyond. I was super tempted to skip dinner last night, but I would have been extra hungry today, so It's better to just eat up to 500 calories per day instead of a starvation diet of only 130 calories with eating popcorn. 

I'm never hungry in the mornings, I get hungry around noon and look forward to my popcorn and a little down time after working. Makes it easier to go to the gym with a little rest and some food in my stomach. The gym has been filling up my afternoon along with shopping while I'm already out. 

Yesterday, I went to Michaels and got paper for my calendars along with some 70% off Christmas stuff. Also stopped at the dollar store looking for NYE stuff, which they had zero but found 50% of 2 white fur small trees for the table. I also stopped at the party store and spent more then planned with party stuff and a game. The kids will be back here to ring in the new year, so I wanted to make sure they had party favors. It will be a small mess to clean up, but I had to get some poppers etc.. 

Still want to go cross country skiing, but after my foot appointment.. I need to wait a few days before doing too much walking/skiing. My feet are a lot better today but still a little sore. Might have to wait till Saturday/Sunday to ski when we get some fresh snow. It's been melting like crazy! I'm guessing it could be icy since it's been 35 and now down to 21 and the teens last night. I don't need to fall and get hurt! 

I'm working this morning for 3 hours and then will go to the gym, probably the store again to look for some sunglasses at TJ Maxx. Steve needs some gloves and scran wrap. Plus, make a Costco stop for popcorn and ? 

Another thing I'm doing soon is getting my hair cut with long bangs and face framing. Plus, getting a much needed pedicure and a facial at the beauty school. I'll save those for weight loss  rewards, when hitting more weeks. 

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