Thursday, December 29, 2022

Day 30, 1 month!

Another big goal day. Day #30, 1month on my weight loss diet of staying around 500 calories for the day!  

It's easy to stay on my diet in the morning and afternoon. It's hardest in the evening after dinner. I'm always more hungry after eating my main meal. Not sure why this is? I stay hungry till I go to bed and sometime during the night that hunger goes away. 

Never got to the gym yesterday as my feet were sore. They are still sore today, but I'll go this afternoon anyway since I can lift weights sitting and then go for a massage. 

I've also been planning out my food for the day. Today I'll have popcorn for lunch, and a chicken breast for dinner with lot of water throughout the day. 

My other meal planned is Saturday night, NYE when we go to dinner. I'll be having some wood fire pizza and a beer. 280 calories per slice and I'm going to have 2 slices and 1 beer. Plus, I'll have popcorn for lunch to keep me from being overly hungry and wanting 3 slices instead of 2. 

Most likely, I'll keep having a lunch of popcorn or a can of veggie soup. Dinner is open to what ever is on the menu with some changes to not have high calories. 

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