Sunday, February 19, 2023

Sunday... fun day!

 We did an explore a new coffee shop in Mpls. Who am I that I want to visit coffee shops! lol.. Until I discovered fun flights! 

I saw a Tic Tok post for 3rd space coffee house in Mpls. So off we went this Sunday morning to check it out. 

So they came either hot or iced. Since all the other flights so far have been iced, I stuck with that for all 4. They were awful tasting and I hated the colored sugar. No whipped cream and nasty coconut flavor for the last one. Yuck. After one sip of them all, I told them I didn't like any. They instead gave me a cinnamon bun coffee that was 100 time better tasting. I only drank half and gave the rest to Steve. It was loaded with cream. Super pretty with the design. 
I still have two more coffee places to try. Isle Bun (doesn't have flights but has good cinnamon buns, and another place out in Osseo that has flights. I'll stick to Cork and Froth for the best flights and the little Loco place in Brainerd for coffee. 
I did not share one meal with Steve I shared both/ We split the sandwiches in half so we each had a full sandwich of pork and beef. They were corn cakes, super good at Hola Arepa in Mpls. So different and tasty. I have no idea the calories but instead of getting Yucca fries I opted for a salad. I did try one fry and that was good enough. 
I really didn't need a dessert after dinner but this ice cream cookie sandwich sounded so different. It was corn, Fritos and chocolate/butter scotch Chips in the cookie with vanilla ice cream. It was good, just needed some hot caramel, chocolate or raspberry sauce to dip it into and it would have been a 10 out of 10. I didn't need the calories but it was a weekend splurge as were the sangria and sour beer. Ugh! I probably ate over 1300 calories for dinner and drinks! 

Both drinks were pretty tasty, so at least I enjoyed those too. Well, worth the calories for a night out. 

I might not have lost any weight yesterday since my calories for the day were probably 1500! It's okay. I need to go workout this morning to make 7 days this week! It's a goal I set for myself! I have to go do it. 

We are supposed to get snow Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week up to 12 inches. I will get to ski more at least. That's the only good thing about getting fresh snow. 

Saturday, I also finished doing my tax receipts tallying them up and entering all on my spread sheet. Now to do that final report with all on one page. I need to make a few calls to get other expenses and then I'm done. I have our accountant appointment on Tuesday. I should be able to get the last of the numbers on Monday. Feels good to be almost done with this month long project. Now fingers crossed we don't owe and get money back. Most years we get money back, but there were a few we owed a little and got back some too, pretty much breaking even. I would rather get some money and not owe! right!! I still need to submit my sales taxes for 2022. I'm behind and procrastinating on paying and setting it up. Ugh! I am sure there will be penalty fees to pay too. 

Next week is Celina's 23rd birthday. We mostly likely will have a family party for her and I'm hoping we can plan something else fun to do Saturday. Her Birthday falls on a Friday. There is that Isle Bun coffee shop I want to visit on Saturday or Sunday and maybe hit up some wineries on Saturday for a fun day of drinking. Maybe out to Wisconsin- east of us or Waconia out west of us? 

This also sounded fun on her birthday. I'm sure it will be family birthday night instead. 
She wants a gift card to Amazon, which is a super easy gift to get. I always stress too much about gifts. So this takes the pressure away. She likes to shop on line for clothes so will use that to purchase some work outfits. 

I would like to make her a cake, but she likes her gluten free cakes and usually wants to make her own. Not sure what Steve will make for dinner, but we are thinking steak sandwich. Just depends on what Celina wants for her birthday meal. For those that don't eat beef we will have a veggie sandwich or maybe chicken too. 

I have another new customer on Monday, an easy work day Tuesday and the rest of the week is just busy in the mornings. I'll hopefully, be able to ski again on Thursday if we get enough snow. I
 also might not be going anywhere Thursday if we are expected to get lots of snow! Not sure if I'll be able to make it to the gym all 7 days, but if I can ski instead it's a good replacement or do both! 

Well, off to the gym, finish taxes and maybe shop for a few things we need. Packaging tape, b-day decorations and gift. Plus, Steve needs a hair cut and a new winter jacket. I'm hoping TJ Max has some on clearance. 

I made more of my Chicken Thai soup yesterday and will have that for dinner all week. Delicious and I think low calories since it's mostly veggies. 

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