Friday, March 24, 2023


 Still working on weightloss!! 

I'm still not where I want to be for weight loss. I'm getting close! Which is the goal to keep going and making progress every day. I make sure to watch calories, and go to the gym. That's all I can do. The weight will come off I just need to be patient and keep doing what I'm doing. 

I tried this coffee flight at the Annabel house in Osseo yesterday morning with the kids. We all got the flights because they made them with oat milk/nondairy. I loved the key lime and hated the green tea and shark bite was just okay. 

Last night we got pho too. It was delicious! I almost ate the whole bowl. Good thing it's mostly broth and veggies with a little bit of steak. I took the rest home, but it's mostly broth which I can add more veggies too and make it another meal. 

After dinner we stopped at Crumble and got 4 cookies to taste test! 
I had to try a sliver of each. The first was a test cookie, Agava which was probably my favorite. We all thought the chocolate Texas sheet cake needed more frosting. Like the last two but they didn't wow me. All good selection this week. We didn't try the monster or toffee cookie but we probably should have as those also looked good. 

I cooked up these almond croissants for breakfast. I hate to do a taste test. Delicious! Thankfully, I checked the calories at 320 I didn't what to eat a whole one! 

In all with the coffee, taste testing of croissants and cookies I still stayed around 750 calories for the day and burned around 550 for the day working and working-out. I skipped lunch of popcorn too since the coffee kind of filled me up. I used to only having water in the mornings. 

I do feel a bit hungry this morning. Kind of craving some taste testing of the Crumble cookie. I won't because we are going out to diner and having pizza/wings. I will just wait for lunch and eat my popcorn around 11am today. 

Happy Friday! Which means I can splurge a little more over the weekend on calories. Thursday could have been a high calorie day or one where I needed to skip eating any of the above foods. I've learned to control my eating and just have a taste. I can still go back and have more if it's really good and worth it to me. I did eat more of the pho, but it was low calories and the main meal /only meal of the day. Not a bad splurge! Nothing really has to be a bad food. Just pick and choose where I want to spend my calories for the day and make sure its worth it. If it's delicious, I'll eat it and not worry about extra calories. Not everything is going to be a 10 out of 10 where I want more. 

No special plans for the weekend. Unfortuneatly, Logan leaves Sunday morning early on the train to go back to college for another 7 weeks. I'm sure the time will go fast. Just wish he was home longer. 

Happy weekend... Wish the weather would warm up as we've been suck in 30's. I think I do see some 40's next week. More snow too is on the way. Ugh! Here it is the end of March and we still can't warm up to at least 50! So much snow on the ground with a forecast of spring flooding too. We have far too much frozen snow on the ground! 

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