Saturday, April 22, 2023

Day #144 of my weight loss journey that I had to look up!

 It's not as easy keep track of the days I've been on a weight loss journey. I count the weeks, months and soon enough will be a 1 year mark. I doubt I'll need to be on a weight loss for a year, more maintain at some point, but I'll still be on a journey to maintain. I just won't start over as it's all apart of the journey to get back to my forever weight! I managed to stay at my goal weight for years, gaining it all back over covid and then some. I told myself the first time that I'd never weight that much again, and then covid happened, stress eating for enjoyment with lack of getting much exercise. We tried running outdoors, but not very consistently and only a mile at most. I drank too many alcoholic beverages and had too much bread and treats. Doing that over and over again got me to my heaviest ever and I didn't like what I saw in photos and in the mirror. I hardly had any clothes to wear. I kept buying larger sizes and XL was now getting tight and uncomfortable. I tried many starts of dieting but never was serious. I'm not sure what really set me in motion for getting me to stick to weight loss. Well, part of it was I didn't want to be over weight any longer. I wanted to enjoy summer and be able to wear a swim suit, unlike the last few years where I wore a sports bra and shorts along with a swim cover up in the water. I didn't have shorts to wear and was buying XL shorts. I hated photos of myself all plumped up. 

I started my diet a few days before getting covid and isolating myself. I think that really helped control the first few days of me eating and sticking with a diet. I didn't feel like eating much while I had covid and after those 5 days and the initial days of my dieting, I just kept going. I had a Christmas party that I wanted to lose weight for and I wanted to be thinner for Christmas/new years. I was feeling better about my weight loss at that point. I did weight myself right after NYE and was disappointed by the number on the scale. I did feel better by that point, so I didn't let that number stop me from continuing on with my weight loss journey. Here we are April 22nd and I thought I'd have reached my goal weight by now. I am still at least 10 to 15 pounds away from that number. I'm more focused on toning up and even if I didn't lose any more weight, I feel good about where I'm at. Of course I still want to reach that goal weight of 145/150. I don't have to do it over night.  I will keep going on my weight loss journey until I do reach that weight and then it will be still a weight loss journey to maintain. I hope by this point I will have my eating down, still enjoy some treats and just eat less over all and move more though out the day. 

What have I changed over One hundred and forty-four days? I go to the gym every day and do cardio for 30 minutes and weights for 30 minutes. 

I look for healthy food choices eating fruit every day for a treat, popcorn for fiber and to fill me up. More veggies for dinner and protein too. I eat pizza, drink beer but switch to seltzers for less calories. Share foods when going out and am aware of eating less to while out. I preplan meals during the week and stick to the same foods by choice. I make foods with lots of flavor, salsa and my spicy soup! I never feel starved even when skipping breakfast and waiting for lunch. If I'm still hungry I eat more, but I also estimate my calories. I've been eating more lately, but still under my maintain calories of 2000. I concentrate on just being in a calorie deficit every day. I also know I need to eat more protein. Working on that to keep me full and build muscles. 

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