Friday, April 21, 2023

Evan's Choir concert

 Evan is in a before school, 3rd - 5th grade choir. They had a concert last night. Just 4 quick songs. 

They were cleaning the stair stepper machines yesterday at exactly the time I went to workout! 
I ended up just walking on the treadmill for 30 minutes, but not breaking a sweat even on the incline going 3.1mph. 
It was a busy workday and I got in 30 minute on the cross ramp before work, which all helped burn calories since I didn't get my normal gym workout. I do notice a huge difference in what I perceive as hard. Running on the cross ramp feels easy compared to the stairs. Running hurts my feet, but I feel like I get a great workout from just doing the stairs probably equal to running! I'm only on level 7 which is pretty much non stop climbing, but a slight pause between steps. 10 is the goal speed which I'm working up to in the 30 minutes. Not sure if it goes higher than that? I started at level 4 for 5 minute then 15, jumped up to level 6 for 30 minutes and then shortly after to level 7. I did do level 10 for 2 minutes at the end, but I'm just working on staying at level 7, some days that's enough! 

Still getting in 30 minutes of weight lifting. I am just trying to do 3 sets of each machine. Some I only do 2 sets, other 3, but working on heavier weights eventually. I'm not trying to kill myself, just keep progressing when I feel like it's getting easy or easier. 

Still trying to drop some weight. I've gone up in calories so the weight won't come off as fast. I'll switch that up next week starting Monday and go back down to under 800 for the week. I think the last 10 to 20 pounds will be the slowest. I have the time and the will to keep at it! I just need to make a few adjustments  here and there to keep on track. If I keep my calories lower Sunday-Th, then I can splurge a little more on Friday and Saturday. I'm still trying to stay below 1500 or 1200 most days. under 1000 would be better for more weight loss. 


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Weekend in Lanseboro!

 We had a nice weekend in Lanesboro. Our main reason to go was to Kayak on Saturday down the root river.  I'll have to post photos later...