Thursday, April 20, 2023

Thursday.. Still April rain...

 We drove to Hastings and checked out how high the Mississippi River got to yesterday. It was almost spilling over the top of the rock wall. We had a ton of rain last night that came down hard at some points. I'm expecting the river to be up even more today and we have more rain/snow coming today and Friday! 

We have plans to go to Duluth this weekend to see Jay Cook state park and Gooseberry falls. We did this last spring and it was amazing to see all the water gushing through. 

I ate a lot yesterday! 

I made some brownies and tried a small slice with a little ice cream. I ate most of my calories at dinner like I always do. It was finish up the sloppy joes, finish up the ravioli and have a chicken sausage. Yep ate it all and was okay because most was protein which I probably needed. In all I ate around 1500 calories for the day. I did burn a lot with working and working out! around 800! We will just call it a wash for exercise vs eating. I'm not going to beat myself up or quit over a higher calorie day. Just getting back on track today and the rest of the week. I can only control today, so just focusing on that and doing what I can. 

I did pick up another watermelon at Costco since they were 100% out of blueberries and raspberries. I was very sad to see that as that's the reason I went to that store. I skipped purchasing any at Cub since they were expensive at those stores for just a tiny bit. I still have an entire watermelon to eat. 

Next week, I'll make my Chicken Thai soup and add more chicken this way I'll have preplanned meals. I kind of like going every other week having planned meals and then taking a break. 

What are my spring time goals:
Lose another 10 pounds. Still working to get rid of the stomach pouch! It's almost gone but I check every day to see if it's still there! It is. I only notice it when I am sitting down. 

Still working on toning up. I haven't missed a gym day since the middle of February when I went to the cabin and skipped two days in a row. 13 weeks total working out 30 minutes per day on the machines. I'm starting to see muscles in my arms and the back fat and arm fat is going away! It's still there but more tone! I do notice now that I'm older I have more lose skin but gaining and losing over again is what the cause is and I'm okay with that because I would rather have lost the weight and have a little loose skin. 

Other than getting fit which is my #1 goal, I want to be able to do level 10 for 30 minutes on the stair stepper. I'm at level 7, which I've been doing for a few weeks. I used to do level 10 for at least a minute or two, but I've backed off and just keep at a constant speed. I'll know when to up it to level 8. Maybe the last 15 minutes soon? Weights I'll keep increasing the weight load. Right now I'm just doing all the machines and at least 2 or 3 sets of most x 10 reps. I also don't pause long between sets. I just want to fit all in and I have 30 minutes to do that. 

Work, I'm always good with adding new clients. More money and more exercise is always a good thing. I probably should advertise, but right now I'm good with my schedule. I did just pick up a referral so that's always a plus! 

Our house, there is  always some thing to do or I want changed. Still waiting for our bathroom to be updated. We are starting with the vanity/counter/sink and faucets. Adding two sinks and raising it up. Next will be the shower/ tile floor update. Might have to wait till next winter for that to happen? 

We also might need a new stove soon. Which I'd love to get! 

I want Steve to get an E-bike so we can explore a lot more trails around here and not be tired doing it in the evening. He keeps looking at bikes but hasn't decided on what to get. We are looking for around 1500 to 1800 cost. I did read MN might do a bike tax credit of up to 1800! That would be super! We would for sure get him an e-bike! So best to wait and see if that's going to happen! 

We also have a few spring trips sort of planned. We have Duluth waterfalls this weekend on Sunday/Monday. A not planned trip to Memphis/Nashville. Camping trip to Milwaukee to pick up Logan from college and stay the weekend. Memorial Day camping at the lake and 4th of July there too, We most likely will make one or two trips to Grand Marais this summer and possibly Brainerd. Not sure where else, but I'd like to go to South Dakota and Michigan this summer. Maybe spend more time in Milwaukee visiting Logan next year since he will have an apartment. 

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Weekend in Lanseboro!

 We had a nice weekend in Lanesboro. Our main reason to go was to Kayak on Saturday down the root river.  I'll have to post photos later...