Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Wednesday rain and river flooding

 This made me happy to see little Logan again! A Duluth trip. He must have been 9 or 10 years old. I miss little Logan. He would always lean on me at dinner at a restaurant. He loved his longer hair and was picky about his clothes. 

I wanted to eat my leftover sloppy Joes last night and didn't want to go play Bingo. 

So Steve and Celina went to his mom's house for dinner. He kept sending funny snap pictures. 

Got to love the filters! 

It's week #21 of my weight loss journey. I didn't weigh myself but was semi tempted. I didn't change any measurements from last week. Which is to be expected. It's impossible to keep losing inches every week. Maybe I lost some on my arms or neck? When ever I measure myself, it doesn't always come off where I expect or want. I keep wanting to see my waist go down every week. I've been stuck on 33 inches for 4 weeks. I do know that I can't give up on dieting. I will see the number go down if I stay consistent. 

I have gone up a little on calories since I know that I can still lose a pound a week if I eat up to 1500 calories a day. I still try to stay around 1000 for a 2 pound per week weight loss. I figure it averages out to 1.7 pounds per week. I could be down to 165 pounds or less? or still at 168 which was 3 weeks ago. I'm being conservative and not getting my hopes up on weight loss on the scale. If I am at 165 or below, I've finally reached one of my first weight loss scale goals. It's taken a few months to get to this point. I'm not done on my goals. My next scale weight is 160, 159, 155, 150, 149, 145. I have a few more to check off. I do plan to get some rewards and need to remind myself of finally reaching my goals and to not minimize them thinking I should have reached them already. My waist goal is 31". 3" to go! I've come along way. 

I had to change my habits. No longer sitting on the couch after work. I go to the gym in the afternoons. I'm  back to my morning work out of planks and weights. just added some cross ramp some days of the week where I'm not working much or the weekends. I also added in biking even if it's on the ebike to get in extra exercise other then work, and the gym. 

I count my calories and choose lower cal options. Drinks are also reduced or lower cal options. I skip breakfast most days unless I'm hungry and I grab berries. Popcorn is my low cal lunch which I love. Dinner I eat whatever and when we eat out, I like to share food. 

I still eat treats, I've bought crumble cookies but they are to share. I'll have a taste and be good. Same with ice cream. I don't make a bowl, I just have a taste on a spoon. I eat a few jelly beans when I have any sugar cravings, three or 4 do the trick. 

I preplan my dinner sometimes. Making enough of my Veggie/ Chicken Thai soup for meals. I make sure to have chicken sandwiches or anything I'm craving I eat and plan for that meal/ splurge. I don't have to be perfect. I need to live and still have fun and enjoy foods. It's re-training myself to eat and exercise all over again. It's working for me. It can't be a diet, it has to be how I do life to keep the weight off. I might not stay at 1000 calories, but I sure am going to try to keep on track and not go off again and gain. 

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