Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Tuesday... Still April!

 It's measure Tuesday! No changes at all. Go figure! I didn't weight myself either because I had extra salt and lots of watermelon yesterday. Maybe the reason for not seeing any changes from last week? Or maybe just a stall until I see more progress? I'm once again afraid to weight myself for fear I haven't lost any weight since three weeks ago. I want to keep the progress going and not give up. 

What I find helps for motivation is listing to others on their weightloss journey on Tic Tok. They just say, stay the course and stay consistent. You will see results if you keep going and not give up. Just stay in a calorie deficit and you'll be fine. Sometimes the number on the scale goes up and then back down. There will be weeks the measurements don't move. If I'm in a plateau the numbers might not move for a few weeks. At any rate, I'm going to keep working out, keep eating under 1500 calories and keep trying to lose weight. 

I try to be in the 1000 cal per day, which is 2 pounds per week. Or less than 1500 which is still 1 pound per week. 

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