Saturday, April 29, 2023

Down 2 pounds!!!

 I need to celebrate the two pounds of weight loss. I actually weighted myself this morning. Instead of getting down that I haven't been losing 1 or 2 pounds a week, I need to celebrate I'm down an extra 2 pounds went from 168.6 to 166! Guess that's 2.6 pounds, almost 3 in 4 weeks. When you think in terms of three pounds of hamburger, that's a lot of fat to lose. Even 1 pound of hamburger fat gone is a lot of fat! Plus, who knows if the scale if fluctuating? Maybe some is just water weight from all that watermelon and added salt? Or maybe I put on some muscle weight too in the last 14 weeks of lifting heavy weights daily? Maybe I have 5 more pounds of muscle? I could have been less weight but not as tone. I'd rather be more tone then down 5 more pounds! Would 161 feel any different from 166? Probably not. Plus, I'm still making progress and all my clothes fit again! That's a win/win. I still have time to lose all the weight and get more tone before June 1st and all summer long and the rest of life. 

Wearing my size 6 jeans that are not stretchy! 

Just a tiny budge of skin above my waist line. I'm at the gym daily to work on that along with trying to stay under my calories for the day! 
Steve and I had Friday off. We tried a top 10 bakery in MN. Black Walnut. I think it moves up to #1 on my list. The selection was super and price was lower than the other bakeries. The flavors and crunch of the croissants were spot on! So flakey and buttery! 
I just would pass on the eclair. Patisserie 46 has the winner there! 
They did have the best ham and cheese croissant that I've tried! 
We have a list of other bakeries. 
Marc heu Patisserie, University W st Paul
Trung Nam French Bakery, University W St Paul
Aki's Breadhaus, Central Ave Mpls
Asa's Bakery, 34th street Mpls
Panaderia San Miguel, Lake street
Marissa's Bakery, Nicollet Mpls

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Weekend in Lanseboro!

 We had a nice weekend in Lanesboro. Our main reason to go was to Kayak on Saturday down the root river.  I'll have to post photos later...