Friday, April 28, 2023

Day 150 of my weight loss journey!

 I had a tough night where all I wanted to do was eat from lunch on. I ended up taking a nap and eating 1330 calories for the day. Thankfully, I was able to tell myself to stop and just not eat because I was not hungry! It was tempting to just feel over full, but I didn't. 

I'd like to weight myself, but I keep putting it off. I haven't stepped on the scale since week 18, 1 month ago. I'm guessing I lost at least 4 pounds in that time. 168 - 4 = 164 pounds. I doubt I kept losing 1.7 pounds per week with the calories I've gone up to on a daily basis. I'm also being conservative on my weight loss so I'm not disappointed if the scale doesn't reflect what I want. I do know that on a normal basis the scale is going to go up or down every day of the week. I'm not always going to weight the same every day. That's just how it works. Maybe I'm at the point where I want to start weighting myself daily? If I'm going to do it, I need to commit and keep recording from then on out! Next week I'll start on Wednesday! on Week #23. 

Right now I'll just keep monitoring my measurements and I added in my %fat and BMI in the mix. 

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