Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Last day of week #22

 Well, once again I am stuck at the same results. It's measure day and I haven't changed for about 3 weeks now. Maybe I've been eating more and not really recording the accurate calories? I try figure out exactly how many calories I'm eating, but who really knows? Plus, I don't think the weekend splurges of alcohol help or the higher calories. Maybe I'm building more muscle in the gym and that's keeping me from losing inches right now and weight? Muscle does weight more, but it also makes you leaner, so I would assume the measurements would go down? 

No giving up on weight loss. I'll just keep going. Durning vacation I won't be going to the gym, so I'll have to find other ways to get extra exercise and move more. Walking! 

Bought this weeks Crumble cookies. I had a slice of each and that was it. They were just okay. I thought this week would be good. All pretty much the same taste with the exception of PB and chocolate, buckeye cookie. 

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