Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Week #27!!

 Whoo week #27 on my weight loss journey. 

I'm not all that excited about my measurements today. Once again no change. I am not surprised by that since the last two weeks have been none stop vacations. I did try and control eating and got exercise, but not the gym kind. More of tent setting up and taking down and just not sitting very long. 

I did reach my summer goal. To fit into my bikini and feel comfortable once again. Which is 100% what I did this past winter. I started Nov 30th and didn't give up. Here I am week #27, day #183. 

My waist is 33, hips 40 and thighs 23. I've been stuck here for weeks. Last time I weighted in I was 166 pounds weeks ago. I think it was week 18. I might be down to 163 if I lost 1/2 pound per week? No idea and I'm not ready to get on the scale. I do want to lose around 10 more pounds. 

23 weeks at the gym working out on a regular basis too. 

I've let myself enjoy. I've had a few chips, ate some cookies and marshmallows. Had a few extra drinks and didn't get to the gym while on vacation. I never skip the gym if I'm home. I makes sure to go. 

Yesterday, I worked, biked and then went to the gym. I really wanted some apple crisp with vanilla ice cream, so I made some and ate it. I have been up to 2000 calories per day. Still burning more than I eat. Which is good. I don't feel like I ever lose weight if I'm not at or below 1000 calories for the week. I just can't eat 1500 or 1700 and lose weight. So back down again to 1000 for the day. I just need to lose 10 more pounds to get rid of all the belly fat I want to lose. That's the goal by the 4th of July! 

My fitness book #23 is almost 100% full. I need to make #24. I'm on week #600 from when I started the orig workout and weight loss 10+ years ago. Even though I got off track and gained back all the weight during covid. I went back to what works for me. Exercise on a daily basis and eating less, tracking calories. Will I always have to do this. Yes, will I never gain weight again. Hard to say, but I'm going to sure try and not gain all that weight back again. This is why I need to just buckle down and lose the last 10 pounds. It's always the last few inches that is harder than starting. Maybe it's because I've been doing this for 6 months now. I also want to eat more now, but I can't reach my goals if I don't cut back. I have 5 weeks to lose the weight, at 2 pounds per week that will be 10 pounds! No better time to Start and make my next weight loss goal! Fat gone on stomach and lose 10 pounds to 150-155 is the goal weight! 

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