Friday, May 12, 2023

Weight loss day #164


What have I changed since starting my weight loss journey? 

1. Exercise again every day. Well, except vacation. 

2. track calories and prioritze fruits and veggies. 

3. Switch up drinks to lower calories options/ Hard seltzers VS IPA or amber beers. 

4. Eat when hungry

5. Pick low cal meal options/ popcorn for lunch

6. Get back on track after a higher cal day or weekends splurges. 

7. Stay within a calorie deficit every day

8. Stop thinking I have to lose weight fast. (Work in progress)

9. Learning to only eat a little of the desserts. (practice eating less)

10. Sleep is important. (work in progress)

It was rough being on a weight loss journey and doing a vacation. I didn't get to workout at the gym. We traveled some days where I sat for 9 hours. I still tracked calories and mindful of the drink calories, even if I went over what I planned to drink on a given day. I didn't go crazy off my diet, but sure ate more calories up to the Maintenance calories and not in a deficit. Which is to be expected while on a vacation. kind of makes me feel like I lost a week of weight loss. 

What I learned from others is, you can't just give up because you ate more yesterday. I didn't gain a pound. Even if I ate 3500 more calories over the week, over my maintenance, that's only 1 pound. Which I am certain I didn't do. 

I also went right back to the gym yesterday, but took it a little easy. I didn't want to kill myself the first day back after a week break. Instead of level 8 on the stair mill, I opted for 6, and I didn't do all my weights and some weren't as heavy. I still did the workout, which is more important than killing myself on the first one back at it. 

Of course we are off to another vacation in a few days. Gone from Friday to Tuesday. I'm hoping to get in more walking and working out this trip. 

I still feel a little stalled in my weight loss. I shouldn't feel that way since I lost 1/2 inch on my waist while back from a 6 day vacation doing little on my weight loss for working out. Goes to prove that weight will come off, maybe just not the week you think you're perfect. 

Yesterday, I ate Szechuan chicken with rice for dinner. Popcorn for lunch and was hungry for breakfast so had blueberries and an afternoon banana snack. Plus, ate some pita chips with humus during lunch because I was hungry. After dinner, watermelon and a fortune cookie with a taste of ice cream. aprox 1400 - 1500 calories. 

I also burned 200 cal from working and 350 from the hour at the gym. for a total of 550 burned. That to me is a win/win for weight loss journey. 

I put on the weight from 2020 to 2022, in two years... I've only been at this since the end of November 5-1/2 months and am down at least 35 pounds. Even if I stayed this weight around 165 -160. I still feel good at this weight. I do have a goal weight where I'd like to be at least 10 pounds less. 145 to 155. 

I do know some of that 160-165 is from adding muscle over the last 14 weeks at the gym lifting heavy weighs. So while I might have gotten rid of some fat, I've also gained weight which is the kind of weight you want to add. I'm in the Normal, not over weight category now. It's at the top of that chart, so I want to drop at least 10 more pounds. It would be nice to think I could do that in the next 10 weeks or 2.5 months which would bring us to the end of July. Will summer be over by the time I reach my weight loss goals? Maybe, but that's fine. I don't have to reach my weight loss goal during summer. I can do it in the fall too. When ever I lose it is fine. I'm just going to keep on track. Count calories, measure and not step on the scale. I want to get to a waist of 31. Get rid of the stomach fat, build arm and ab muscles to look more tone. That's the goal right now. To look fit. 

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