Friday, September 8, 2023

Its Friday!

 What's on my mind this Friday! 

We are home for the weekend. It's a lot cooler outside in the low 60's, which feels really cold after having 90 degree days. I already miss the heat! 

I will be setting up a tent in the back yard today. I might just sleep outside tonight too and maybe the weekend and next week too? We didn't pack away our tent after using it at the beach. It was all dew covered and still wet, so I need to set it up to make sure it's all dry. It also might rain on Saturday, which would be a bummer because under the tent always gets wet! I'll have to make sure to push the tarp way under so it doesn't collect rain. I do love sleeping outdoors! 

It's that time of year when I also need to do some advertising for our businesses. I'd like to pick up a few more customers. Steve's jobs in waiting are getting down there, so I need to get more lined up for him too for the winter. This is the part I hate doing the most. I'm going to try something new with advertising. I usually do my flyer and ads on CL, but now want to try out Thumbtack. You do have to pay for leads, and I'm just not used to doing that, but either way you have to spend money to advertise. I just always go the cheaper options and it seems to work just fine. I just want to try other options too for a change. We will see how it goes. 

We are home this weekend, but I have a bunch of fun things we can do.. 

Fish /Kayak


Bike and go to the gym

Run with Zoey at the park

Bake something with apples

Sleep out in the tent and hammock 

Maybe the farmers market and go to a bakery? 

That seems like a good list of things to do where we won't feel like we missed out on going camping somewhere else. 

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