Tuesday, October 24, 2023


I took this photo of Evan from FB at the pumpkin patch.  

Making some apple spiced mock -cocktails. It's been nice enough to sit outside on the deck with 60*F temps. 
Yesterday's walk at Whitetail deer park in Farmington. I could have been in shorts, and a tank top it was sooo nice out! 

The week is moving right along, Tuesday and it's still going to be 60*F, unfortunately cloudy and rain on and off all day. I won't be getting in a park walk today with Zoey. 

We did find a fat tick on Zoey's back last night. I probably should have put more tick meds on her, but figure it's only a few more days till we get a hard freeze and it looks like rain the last few nice days in the 60's. She has a lot of burrs on her from walking in the tall grass. I'll have to comb out her ears as they are a mess. She is almost ready for another fur cut too. I'll wait a bit longer before I groom her. She could use a bath too! It's on my todo list! 

What else is on my todo list? The pantry!!! I cleared out the top shelf and took the mixers off the floor so Steve could get in there and put up one more high up shelf. It will be for stuff we don't use often. This will give us a lot more room in the pantry, which we need for all the stuff we put in there. I'm now excited to go through the whole pantry and re-arrange it. I also bought another set of 5 hooks for my closet. I like to hang up my workout clothes on hooks and not hang them up since I use them daily. I already have 5 hooks but need more. I'm hoping this will be enough, so I don't keep putting my clothes on the bedroom chair. Should have done this project years ago!! 

Still need to figure out where to put all our cook books that were on the shelf  in the porch. We gave the shelf to Logan to use at college. So now we need to figure out where to put all those books. I don't want to get another shelf since I'm sure once college is done in 2 years, it will be right back home! 

In other news. Our mortgage payment went up almost $200 per month just in the increase in home owners insurance and taxes! Yikes!!! Good news is that we only have until Dec of 2026 and it's paid off. We only will have taxes and insurance to pay every month which will save at least $1400 per month! Wish it was more and we didn't have to pay so much in taxes, but it's a good chunk of savings. I can not wait till the day we pay it off. It will be a day to celebrate. We will end up paying it off 4 years early and considering we refinanced it, this is a big savings! I might be in a rush to pay off our mortgage, but not in a rush to be a few more years older and closer to 60! Yikes!!! At least we will have paid off the mortgage before retirement which is a good goal! Would have liked to had it paid off before Logan went to college since he is the most expensive kid yet for his education. Only 18 more months to pay for him and we are done. A light at the end of the tunnel!! Seems we are always waiting to pay off something, wether a car or other bills then we just start paying on something else and can't wait to pay that off too! A life long cycle for pretty much everyone that has bills. 

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