Thursday, November 9, 2023

November is speeding up!

Here we are, already November 9th. This month is going fast! Maybe all of winter will go fast just like summer did! We are going to get high 50's to 60 degree temps next week and I super excited because this just doesn't happen in November in Minnesota! 

Here are the good results from voting on Tuesday. We never have voted in the off years, but glad we did as our candidates all won! The liberty for mom's that wants to ban book, white wash history did not win! At least in our district. I don't have kids in school, but I have grandkids! 

It's going to be cooler in the upper 30's today and windy, so I'll be working and then will just go to the gym after. Yesterday, I actually did a lot after work. I advertised for awhile, groomed Zoey, gave her a bath and took a shower. I never did get around to cleaning up the kitchen which I've been trying to keep up with all the dishes. They got away from me yesterday. That's on my todo list this morning. Seems keeping the kitchen dish free is quite the challenge! 

We have zero plans for this weekend. Well, maybe on Sunday watching Celina/Don play indoor soccer depending on the time. It's also supposed to start warming up on Sunday, but the parks are all closed to Deer hunters. We'll have to find a road to take Zoey on a walk and spend as much time as possible outdoors. We also have 2 free beers at a brewery in Bloomington that we can use up. We are trying to not go out to eat much since we will have more birthdays and Christmas expenses coming up in December. 

Steve picked up a few more jobs, so we have at least all of November covered and maybe half of December at this point. I'm still going to advertise a little every day it's nice out, no wind/rain or snow to build up more clients for the both of us. I also picked up a one time job for next week. That money will be saved for holiday gifts plus, all my holiday tip money. It all helps in keeping costs under control. That's my thrifty savings plan. Just cutting back eating out saves at least $200 every weekend, which adds up to $800 per month, so if we do that November and December, there's our extra holiday money! We spend far too much going out to eat/drink every month. It's our entertainment, but we can find other things todo. 

I also want to do some home projects. Spray paint our bathroom light since it's going to be on the warmer side next week. Steve has been spray painting trim and lights for customers. I just have one more light and a light switch plate I want spray painted. I'd better get on that asap when it warms up! We also need to re-paint our half bathroom to freshen it up. We have enough Menards money to replace our bathroom counter top and raise up the vanity higher as a start on our primary bathroom. Since the weather will be on the cooler side this weekend. Why not get those projects done! Now to convince Steve to work all weekend! I would love to check those projects off my todo list asap!

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