Thursday, November 2, 2023

November Warm UP!

 We've had some chilly below normal temps the last week. We are in for a warm up to the high 40's starting on Friday!! I was not loving being in the high 20's and 30's, so the warm up will feel great! 

Steve's dad was working outside and heard a pop in his leg. After hours at Urgent care, followed by the emergency room, it was just a sprain. They were thinking maybe a blood clot. So that was good news. He still can walk, just super slow and is supposed to rest and take it easy. He is 85! They have lots of stairs since they have a split level house. I see that being more of an issue as they get older! Yikes!! They also have no plans of moving. Glad he is able to be home and still going up and down the stairs. I was a bit worried they would be moving in here for awhile. 

Steve picked up more work for this week and maybe a little more next week for our neighbors. That was great news!! I did a little advertising yesterday after work. I could have done more, but it was a start! I'd like to fill his schedule out again for months. It's that not busy time of the year, and it usually always picks up after the holidays. Plus, spring time goes crazy again with jobs. We just need to fill in a little to get through the holidays. It's always a busy time of year for me, so that's the trade off. I too could pick up more new clients, so a little advertising for both of us will be good. We already picked up a few jobs just from the small amount I've done. 

I made dinner last night with some leftover ingredients from our pizza meal. Made the large stuffed pasta shells which is one of my favorites. Now we have leftovers for lunches and dinner this week. We also took out a turkey breast and will do a mini before T-day turkey meal. I would have turkey thought the year, but we never seem to get around to making more of them. We won't be doing all the sides, maybe just some potatoes and call it good. 

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