Friday, January 19, 2024

Friday... Friday...

 Not sure how this happened to my ice sculpture, but I got a good laugh out of it. 

How does that even happen?? 

I used my red colored heart ice in a mocktail last night. I couldn't wait to try the ice out. Even though my drink was red, it was still pretty to have heart shaped ice. 

I need to try this idea for a drink. Gram cracker crumb lined glass with a toasted marshmallow on top. I'll make this tonight! They used white chocolate to stick the gram cracker crumbs on the side of the glass. I'll search for other fun drink decorations to add to my mocktails. I might make this with some liquor since we have coffee and peppermint flavored liquor. 

I didn't get a whole lot done Thursday. I worked till 1pm, had some popcorn for lunch, had a Chiro appointment with Logan at 2:15pm, and that was pretty much it for the day. I did take a shower after I got home and was cold. I've been warming up mysids of the bed with a heating pad, which as worked great! It seems to get hot fast and I don't end up using it long, just enough to warm up my feet under the covers. 

I have Friday off from work. I'd like more work and I'm doing something about that. Advertising today, which I suppose counts as work, unpaid, but still work! I'll drop off some of the Star Wars /legos to Evan today and then will do a little advertising in that area. All the new houses no longer put up mail boxes or newspaper slots, so I have to go to the older neighborhoods to advertise and even those they are getting rid of the news paper boxes. I put our flyers in the news paper slots, so I have to skip any neighborhood that doesn't have that available. Maybe in the summer, I'll go door to door with rubber bands and put them on the doors of new neighborhoods? That does seem like a lot of work, but not sure how else to advertise in those areas? Something to think about. 

This weekend is more football play off games. Packers and Chiefs are the two teams I'm interested in watching. They play on Saturday and Sunday night. We will make up some mocktails, maybe I can get someone to play some games too and then work on home projects. We'll have to drop off Logan at the airport Sunday. I wish he could live at home, but school is in Milwaukee and he needs his independence as he already wants to live some where else this summer. Even though I want him home all summer. Guess it all depends on if and where he gets an internship. Fingers crossed he gets something!! Would be nice for him to earn some money this summer! I think all his other friends are also getting jobs this summer, so he needs to figure that out! 

Our good friend neighbors are listing their house to sell. Now that we can rent out our house we will stay put and finish paying off our mortgage. Dec 2026!!! I can not wait!! We won't be 100% debt free, but having that mortgage paid off will be huge!!! We will be able to do soooo much more! I do think about selling and just having Steve build something on land for sale. I do keep looking at land. It just seems like a huge project to do that right now with Celina and Don still living here. Maybe if it was just the two of us, we'd be more likely to do that option. I do like the rent out this house option too. We could actually travel and afford to do that in retirement. 

I need to concentrate on weight loss this winter. The last week, I've been off my dieting. Need to get back to it and stick with low cal foods. No more treats in the evenings.

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