Saturday, January 20, 2024

Satur YAY

 Just waking up late this morning at 9a.m!! Sipping iced coffee on a 11 degree morning, but it's sunny and shining in the front room window to warm me up!

I made two drinks last night because I wanted a fancy drink for fun. I did melted chocolate dipped in gram crackers around the edges and toasted the peppermint marshmallow peep. I added some peppermint & coffee liquor to my iced coffee. So good, but next time maybe I'll make this hot? 

Then I made another drink with the red melted chocolate and sprinkles, topped with candy hearts. I just added a can of High noon, pineapple flavor. We played 2 rounds of cribbage with us each winning one round. We called it a tie and ended the night with that and drinks. 

My two drinks! I'll have to make more of these for fun! When we stay in at night, it's always a good idea to make it like a night out. I would never order a fancy drink out because I don't want to pay $10 to $15 for a drink. Making it at home. Free! I'm going to pay around with using other glasses we've had and never  use. Just to mix it up and I'll try making more drinks with the shaker even if they are non-alcohol drinks. I've got to practice up!! 

I have a few places I want to try eating out. This is one of them. There is another Mexican/Mayan restaurant in Apple Valley that we went to the grocery store already and now I want to try the restaurant. The kids went last night per my recommendation with their grandparents. They had a good cheaper happy hour with tacos at $2 after 7:30pm and $5 drinks. They had high reviews after eating there. 

I was productive on my Friday. I printed out all our tax records for the accountant and put away the bags of receipts to be stored away for 7 years or more. Then I dropped off some Legos/starwars stuff to Evan. After I did some advertising/flyers in Rosemount for maybe 45 minutes until I was mostly out of flyers. I could have done more if I had more ready to go. No calls yet! So far we've only had one call for Steve. It's a bummer, but we eventually will get calls. We always do as it's a good way to advertise for cheaper then doing an ad. Mostly we advertise word of mouth, my customers and referrals. It all helps. Just would like to pick up more work for both of us. It's still Jan when people are spending less after Christmas. Things always pick up in the spring. At least that's what has been happening every year. We started our business in the worst time, right after 9/11 and got jobs. Then in 2007/8 some where in there, people were getting laid off like crazy and we still got jobs and lost some too. So there has been ups and downs for years, but we've made it work the past 23 years! It's been since 2001! Now we have until 2026 to pay off our house, only a few years left to go!! 

Logan has one more year left of college after this semester. We will be done paying for his apartment and giving him money every month to live. That's a huge savings too. We will be one year from having my SUV loan paid off too. I'm sure we will be buying another truck once mine is paid, but at least only having one Auto payment at a time. We can rent out our house, travel when we have SS to live on along with rental income. I'd like to be nomads for a year at least to see the USA and then maybe another year in Europe doing the same?? Okay 2 years or maybe more?? That's the plan! I'm doing it no matter what! 

I also went to the gym yesterday which we are going to do this morning too. Plus, I cleaned out a few of my dresser drawers. I haven't purged them since I was in my 20's and added a few more things along the way too. I'll do the rest at some point. Have a few more things to bring to Goodwill. I'm still trying to sell a few items which I will drop the price or offer for free just so we don't have to bring them anywhere. 

Logan is in Mankato visiting friends and will be home at some point today. We just have today and some of Sunday to spend with him before he leave for a few months to finish college. We are doing brunch tomorrow. So I'll make a quiche and crepes. We need raspberry jelly and some bacon too. 

Tonight is watching the packers and making a few more fun drinks. I wanted to go to a Wisconsin bar to watch, but with it being only 11 degrees today and dropping temps tonight. I think we'll just stay home! Burrr... Cheaper to eat/drink at home. We have plenty of freezer foods to cook up for a hodgepodge meal like last night frozen pizza. 

I'll probably work on purging more stuff around the house. Maybe get Steve to look at his room? He is done with this job on Tuesday, so he will have Wed-Friday to get more house projects done in those few days. He starts another job Monday and I think that will last a week or two then one more bathroom and his parents house and that's all he has booked. We'll have to get more jobs or maybe he will pick up the one he had an estimate for ?? Hard to say?? We can survive the slow times and conserve for now as it's usually famine time and then feast again in the spring and summer/fall. Just a cycle of work! 

I keep a weekly Pro/Con list to help put things in prospective. 
I usually have weather, bills and fun things listed. It all balances out and I like the pro list always to be longer. You have to look for the little things that makes life out weight the cons. 

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