Sunday, January 21, 2024


 The day has arrived and Logan flys back to college for his last semester of his 3rd year. I'll be super happy when he is back home in May. Only a few months to go and then he is on to his senior year of college! I will be so happy to see the last of my 3 kids graduate from college! I'm super proud of all three of my kids. They have a very promising future! 

Last night, I joined Celina, Don and two of their new friends playing Mexican Train Dominos. Seems everyone has discovered this game! We only played till round 7 and called it quits so I could watch the Packers vs 49ers. It was a good game up till the end where the Packers lost. I'm hoping the Chiefs can pull out a win! Tonights game is at 5pm, so I will be watching just for the Taylor Swift/Travis part as I'm a new fan of that team and in football! 

I did a little more purging yesterday. I went through my dresser drawers and have a pile to donate and threw out a bunch of stuff too. I still have a bunch of stuff in my drawers that has zero purpose other than costume jewelry from my teens and 20's, photos and some other misc stuff. I have an old laptop that I'm not sure what all todo with. Maybe I should plug it in to see what happens? I think it's non-working. I'm sure there are lots of downloaded photos on that laptop that would be nice to have off of it. Just don't want to spend the money to get them off for no one to ever look at them. I should toss, but I'll plug it in one more time to see if I can salvage any of the photos. I threw out old records/ bills from 2001 - 2006. No need to keep those!! I know we have stored years of taxes that also need to be thrown out. I did find an old letter from my Nana, so I kept that. 

I had an old friend pass away a few years ago and for their son's his wife too the love you with her husbands handwriting and put it on a necklace or bracelet. I think I might do that for the love you, Nana. I do miss her. She was my favorite grandparent. I Didn't know my mom's dad, (poppop) because he died at age 53, I was probably 4 or 5 at the time and my mom was 35? 

I used to write her letters as much as I could. I think at one point I might have been writing a letter a week in my 20's. I think she enjoyed getting my letters and I defiantly liked getting them back from her. She shared my news with my Aunt and I'm sure that info got passed down to my cousins too? We had a small family with my Dad having 2 siblings and only 1 having 2 kids our age. My Mom had one sister and had 3kids, with the oldest Steven dying at age 23 from a motorcycle self inflected death. Going 90 mph at midnight. My cousin Diane and I are only 6 mo apart with her being I think older?? They lived in Delaware/Maryland so I didn't see them often. My other cousins on my Dad's side lived in New York. We'd only see them if we traveled back in August every 2 years or so. We would go to the Cape, where my grandparents(Dad's side) had a cottage/and retired there on Seaspray drive. I loved going to the ocean. My grandparents were closer with my other cousins since they lived in their old NY house and lived closer to them. We didn't see them enough to ever be close. My grandma would make tables full of homemade ravioli. That was the best part of seeing them. She would spend all day making and drying them to eat that night as a big family. You'd think we were Italian, but full German. Other relatives also moved /had cottages on the same street on the Cape. It was always a mini family reunion on the Cape. 

This is my favorite and only photo of my nana. I took this photo when I was maybe 10, 11.?? I had just gotten a new camera a 110 Kodak. She hated her photo taken, I think because she didn't like her teeth. They were crooked, but not awful. I just love this photo of her. She always dressed up and wore heals. She had her hair done at the beauty school every week, went to church on Sunday and then out to eat with other women. Kept the creamers from eating out in her freezer and once she had enough, she would make chocolate fudge with it. She kept all the bread bags and would reuse them. The basement is were my Popup would grow tons of flowers/plants. She wasn't into that and they all died. The basement was unfinished and musty. She kept old games and ceramic faced dolls from my mom and her sister that would would play with. We'd stay with her for a week with my mom and then drive to meet up with my dad at the cape to visit my other grandparents. We'd spend at least one or two days with my cousins too while there. I'd always sleep with my nana in her bed. My mom and sister would take the other bedroom with the twin beds. Her bathroom was off her room with a shower and it was all pink tiles floor to ceiling. We would sit in her den and watch TV. I'll have to find a photo of her house and figure out the old address in Delaware. I don't recall the address or street. She moved into assisted living in Hockessin the last few years of her life. She started having mini strokes, so she moved and died at age 83. Her lungs filled up with fluids. She said never get old. Well, you have to get old or you die young, so I'll take getting old. I miss her! 

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