Saturday, January 27, 2024

The weekend...

 It's the weekend. Steve is working and I might be working for a bit too? I have yet to hear back from a client. It would be nice to earn a little bit of money today since I have nothing going on. 

Here is Koda, it was a mix dog with poodle. The fur was THICK on the back. A challenge to groom but I had help with the pup owner who held her a little while I did the grooming. I would have gone shorter, but seems like most people like a longer fur cut and not shaved down. Just a refresh trim up. I completely forgot to take a before picture, but she looks 100% better. Cute dog and you can see her eyes now. 

I had to do a lot of scissor cutting on her legs and body. In all it almost 1 hour and 40 minutes aprox. About 20 minutes longer than I would have liked. I didn't even give her a bath and blow dry. That would have been another 30 minutes. So 2-1/2 - 3 hours! I'd have to charge a lot more then $55 or $60! That would not be enough $ to make grooming worth my time. 

I do need a longer metal clipper that I can adjust for this longer length. My clipper just comes with a very short blade. The plastic clip on guide for the longer cut, just doesn't work very well on thick fur. In all, it was a good learning experience. It sure helps that the pup owner is there to let me know how they like the cut done. It wasn't 100% perfect since I trimmed the back paws down more then the front, but in all I did a good job. 

I wrote up a flyer to just advertise in our neighborhood to start maybe picking up a few clients. I am now working on drawing a dog for my flyer and this is the result so far. I'm going to need more practice!!
This is what I wanted to draw, 

lol.. not very good! I'll keep practicing and see if I can get a better looking dog to add to my flyer. Its only my first attempt at copying the drawing. 

You would think it was spring time and not the end of January! Almost all the snow is gone and the grass is looking green! The sun could come out today or tomorrow. It was up to 41+F yesterday and today they are saying 38+F. I see mid to hight 40's next week. Could we get a 50 degree day? I sure hope so because Wednesday its going to be full sun! Such crazy weather this winter. I think in all they said we had 7" of snow and that was spread out and kept melting. The last 1" hung on over that cold snap were we had a week of below or at zero temps. Now that's almost all gone! February is looking mild too. Can we beat the warmest temp winter on record that was set back in 1877-1878? I sure hope so!!! 

Yesterday in addition to working and doing dog grooming, I had a new client meeting where I picked up another job! I do need to raise my prices as she said I was very low. I'm like then pay me more or give me a nice tip! This does remind me that I just need to ask for more money! I just wanted to make sure to get the job since I need the work right now. I know Steve and I don't always charge as much as we should and we need to start charging more even if that means not getting all the work. My new client also needs some work at her house, so there is potential for more work for Steve too. Which is a win/win!! It's easy for me to recommend him to my clients as he has gotten a lot of work over the years that way! Everyone is always super happy too! I did get a little overly worried about his work schedule being really light and not having jobs booked out far. Now I feel a lot better that he has booked jobs and some waiting. It sure stresses me out some times! I'm still going to keep doing some advertising each week until he is over loaded again and tells me to stop. I'd like to pick up a few more jobs, so I do need to keep at it for myself at least. It's just more productive to do both at the same time. 

Grooming, will be done once in a while. I don't want to take on too much since it doesn't pay as well and takes longer to do. I think it would just be a fun side business to do once in a while. 

Today, I'm doing more painting of the doors, the last primer coat. Letting that dry and then starting one coat of enamel. 

I'm going to the store to pick up a few items we are out of. So much for a no spend weekend. We are also going out tonight for pizza/drinks with neighbors to a local brewery in Rosemount then going back to their house for a Murder Mistry game night. Should be fun as we haven't gone out with other couples in a while. 

Sunday, is the 2pm chiefs football game. I sure hope they win, but it is whatever at this point! I'm sure painting the doors another coat of enamel will also happen. Steve could be working this day too? I sure hope not, but it all depends on if this wall paper comes off easily. Oh and grooming our dog! Maybe I'll get a new clipper blade too!! More spending! lol... 

Then it's back to Monday.. working and advertising will be my day! Plus, stopping at the bank to pay Logan's apartment bill. I probably should deposit cash in to Logan's account too. As I bet he is going to need food / bill money soon. My week will be just working, advertising and then girls weekend at a neighbor friend cabin. 

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Sums up my Monday!

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