Friday, January 26, 2024

Fri_yeah! Trying something new!!

 My work life is always changing every day which I love. Lots of variety, but yet the same too as I have repeat clients. Today, I work at 11am and work late into the afternoon till 4pm. I'm trying something new, a new business of Dog Grooming. I looked up Fur Baby Grooming and it's not used, so I'm going with that name! I have my 2nd client to groom today. I hope all goes well as this kind of decides if I should start doing grooming a little here and there! I only set aside 2.5 hours because I have a client meeting at 4pm today. I'm sure the job is mine too, but need to meet in person first. Going back to grooming, there is so much I probably still need to learn, but like everything else, you just learn as you go with any business and make adjustments. I'm just going to start out slow and get a few clients and we will see where this all goes! I figure I can offer in home services or at my house. I'll just concentrate on clients close to home where I can easily advertise and build up slowly. Probably time to do more research and get organized, etc.. I'll do that after I see how today goes. 

I haven't gotten back to painting the closet doors. I skipped yesterday since I worked pretty much all day till 4pm. Plus, I made dinner and cleaned the kitchen dishes etc.. So that filled up my night. I might put another coat of primer on this morning since I start work later, but I am pretty much going to do nothing till work since it's going to be busy with work and dog grooming. I'm just going to get my stuff all in the car and ready to go/organized for my day so I'm prepared. 

We had a lot of snow melt yesterday. My ice sculptures all were gone and melted by the end of the day. It was up to 37*F, foggy, misty, cloudy day, but still melted pretty much all the ground snow with the exception of the side of the driveway where there was a little more snow piled up from the one shoveling

Early morning, looking out the window. It's still dark here at 7:10a.m. It won't get up till 7:38 and sets now at 5:12pm. Look at all that snow melted.. Just a little left and I'm sure it will be gone today! 

Sooo closet to the 40's and maybe 50 by next weekend!! The weather is supposed to be warmer then normal for Feb, March, April and May, but mostly Feb is defiantly mild and its close enough for the weather to be more accurate right now. 

What else is going on this weekend... Football Chiefs game Sunday 
Saturday- painting/cleaning our house and maybe neighbors over? It's to be determined. 
Friday - working and maybe Mocktails and games tonight. 
Steve will be working both Saturday and Sunday, so I'll end up going to the gym by myself too. 

I'm trying the no spend weekend. Well, limiting it to purchasing a few supplies we need.. Eggs and some zip lock bags/ gallon and sandwich size. I do have a return at Walmart, so I can use the return money to keep spending down. I'm just trying this challenge for fun to see if I can do it or not? It's a win if I spend under $20 for the weekend! We have dinner already planned for tonight since we need to cook up some steaks, plus have pork left over from last night. I made really good crispy sliced potatoes last night for dinner (microwaved and then baked with olive oil/salt/pepper and I need to make that again along with parmesan bread. Sooo good! Sunday is the only day where we might have to purchase something to eat for dinner if we don't have other leftovers?? 

Next week, is work M-Th in the mornings till around noon/1pm. Friday girls cabin weekend at our neighbors place. 9 women going and only beds for 7! Although, one is arriving late and only for Saturday night. So that just leave 2 doubled up I guess?? They do have an office that can be turned into a bedroom, I think? So I suppose that works. I'd like either my own room or in the bunk house again my own bed, but sharing a room with 3 others, but at least don't have to share a bed! YIKES!! I'm hoping since I RSVP's 1st, I'll have the better choice?? I'm thinking rooms will be assigned for less confusion and issues, but I'm not really 100% sure at this point! We shall see!! 

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