Thursday, February 15, 2024

Is it April Fools day?

 It sure felt like April Fools instead of Valentine's Day! We got about 3 inches of snow yesterday. Ugh!!! 

It does look pretty all stuck to the trees, but I was okay with zero snow on the ground the last few months! Well all winter so far! It will melt by Monday with temps expected in the 40's. We just need to get through the next few days of 30 degree temps, but sunny today! The sun should help melt all the road snow and off the driveway/roof. Now to get it cleared off the snow too! 

To think I was going to set up the back yard tent this weekend! lol.. Nope! Can't even have a bonfire now. We should go up to the lake this weekend and burn some branches since there is snow on the ground. Might be something todo?? 
We accidentally made a heart shaped pizza last night. The crust just puffed up like that! 

I dropped off gifts to the grand kids along with the balloons. 

Steve got me this cute card. 

I bought Steve and myself some flowers. I got the bouquet free from Trader Joes. No idea why as the cashier said no charge. I texted all my friends and some family Happy V-day too. It doesn't matter what you get back, it's just you have to put out happiness for others. I do like that saying, you need someone in your life to match your energy. I decided knowing Steve and his lack of being prepared, I was going to get my own flowers and since he likes them too, some for him. I was never a card person, but Steve likes to get cards. I probably should have gotten my neighbor friends some candies and a card, but a text was good enough. I do remember then on their birthdays. 

I have the day off. Switched work days so Celina could use my SUV for work today. She ended up turning around and coming home as the roads were too icy this morning. So, now I have my car to do a Goodwill drop off and go to the gym this afternoon once the snow all melts off the roads. Good thing the sun is out today! It should melt fast! 

I'm doing more purging. Already started going through the kitchen cabinets. Got rid of some cups. I went through our laundry room shelves and got rid of the kids craft stuff, stickers, beads etc.. I'll also be painting the trim today and cleaning our house floors/showers. I got my new shower hard water cleaner yesterday and am ready to get our shower glass all perfect again without hard water deposits. Zoey needs bath and her nails trimmed. I'll go to the gym too this afternoon after I do another Goodwill drop off/Donation. I think that's about it for stuff to do along with some painting. 

Dieting is going semi okay. I need to stop the treats at night. I always want something sweet. I can go all day and not want anything and then after dinner.. I want it. I've been staying around 1500 cal but that means pretty much no weight loss. I have to go lower to lose weight faster or to keep motivated. It's a work in progress!!

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