Friday, February 16, 2024


 This is how I feel about the snow! I want to burry my head until it's melted because I don't want to see it! lol.. 

Zoey's new fresh grooming. I never did go back and trim her up. She actually looks pretty good. Not 100% perfect, but close enough. She still needs a bath which is on my todo list along with a nail trim
Madelyn on V-day with a cat mask from school. 

She is in her cat phase and out of the dog one. 

It was nice and sunny the day after the snow. At least all the snow melted on the roads and some of the grass melted away too. It sure looked pretty, but I'm already over it. It can all melt away, which it will do this next week when it's in the 40's. 

I should have taken more before and then after photos of my purging. Here are the areas I purged!
The kitchen cabinets
Laundry room cabinet/Laundry room shelves
Basement storage/Christmas and Halloween decorations. 
I had a full trunk load to bring to Goodwill, which I dropped off yesterday. 
I ended up cleaning a lot of the day too. My hard water deposit cleaner arrived, so I cleaned the shower doors and still have one more shower door glass to finish up. 

I ended up making a spreadsheet of all our home projects. I assigned who would do them and if they had a zero cost. This way, no excuses to not check off some projects. We know exactly what needs to be finished around the house. I'm posting it on the frig this way it will be a reminder. 

This weekend I'm going to be back at paint projects. We have two windows the trim to paint white in the laundry room and the spare bedroom. I'll do that along with painting the trim in our bathroom. I'm hoping Steve will finish the linen closet trim and install the light and finish the flooring in the hall closet on the main level. If we get those items done, it will make a huge difference in our project list. I also have paint touch ups to do on the main level again. I'll go around and do those too in between coats of paint. 

I still have more purging to do. Once the garbages are emptied today, I can start filling up again. I want to go through the office again and purge. I have saved every fit book from 10 years ago and now I need to get rid of most of them. I'll save the last few books, but I don't need to keep them. We have 15 years of taxes, minus the last 7 years we need to keep and will get rid of all those records. I'll have to get a shredder, so that will be saved for warmer weather since they are stored in the garage storage area. No need to climb up there and get them now. I do need to purge stuff that we stored up there too. That too will wait for spring/summer or fall. 

We aren't doing anything right now about building/moving. Just concentration on fixing up our house and getting it ready should we want to rent it out or sell. We at least are on the same page about style of house, where to build now and what it would take for us to actually do that. We could get the house all ready to sell in 2-3 weeks if we had the desire to do it asap! We need to figure out Celina's job situation first and then either stay and pay off the mortgage or build. At least we have options and just trying to figure out what works best for us. Right now staying put is the best, easiest option. Even though it would be more exciting to do a build, it also would be more stressful at first. 

My watch Fitbit, died. They are only offering 30% off on a new one. I'll skip it for now since it didn't last very long, 3 years? I can't bring myself to throw it away right now, but that's where it's going! 

No other plans this weekend. We will save money and not go out to eat and concentrate on home projects. Next weekend is Celina's 24th birthday. We will do a family dinner and I'll have to decorate! So we do have plans at least next weekend. 

Still not sure what Logan plans to do for Spring break in March? There is Easter, just a meal and then Steve's parents birthdays both in March and April. Then just waiting for summer! We have camping planned for the spring/summer with no set plans other then Memorial Day, 4th of July and Labor Day up at the lake. We want to go to Texas for the eclipse, but they said the traffic will be crazy. Plus, we don't want to take that much time off from working or spend the money to do that. We will figure out something else this spring. Maybe just camping in Wisconsin/MN etc places cost to home. 

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