Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Its already humid.

 No rain till a little later today. We need the rain break!! It's pretty warm this morning, but I don't think we'll turn on the AC. I might regret that later! It was a cool day yesterday after a really hot Sunday. So we are going back and forth on the temps this week. Tomorrow is a non-rain day then again till Sunday when it clears again for I think 2 days. Bummer that the weekend can't be rain free! 

My Monday was productive. I worked in the morning and ran errands in the afternoon and again after dinner. I forgot coffee, so a trip to the store was in need along with more grape jelly for the birds. I had my new client meeting at 4pm which was successful! The job doesn't start till the week after the 4th, which I was hoping to have them on my schedule starting Thursday! Ugh!! Oh well, its for 2x's a month, so that's a plus! Now to pick up 4 more new clients to fill up my schedule and hit my earnings goal! 

Today is work for an hour. I was hoping to have at least one more job today, but I had 2 switch to different days. I will spend the rain filled afternoon grooming Zoey. I never did fix the height of her table, but maybe I'll check the garage for some wood to place under the legs? Or not? Maybe that's not a great idea either? She will also get a bath. I could use one of those shower sprayers for the end of the faucet in the tub. At some point, I'll have to look for one to see if that would work on our bathtub set up or maybe switch out the shower to have a sprayer? 

I found 2 new bakeries I want to check out. One on the way up to the lake in Maple Grove and the other closer to home we could do this weekend. Once again, my photos aren't wanting to post. I'll try again later. 

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Sums up my Monday!

 I had bigger plans to work for an hour on is Monday and after run errands, bank/store, pay a bill all of which I did. I even drove down the...