Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Fair foods and plans a year out.

 The State Fair foods came out yesterday. None are really standouts that I must try. I did find 2 that might be a possibility of trying if I am hungry at the time of being in the place they are at. 

I know that other places right now have these Korean corn dogs, but I will wait till the fair to try them out. Probably the one item I'm excited to try. 

It rained again yesterday. We have all the tents up at the lake. I sure hope they are okay and not wet inside! Not sure how much rain they had, but we had a good amount all at once in the cities. 

We finally turned on the AC last night. Although the house still feels hot. It's going to be close to 90 this weekend, so we will leave it on while gone. Good thing we will be at the lake. Also more chance of rain/storms up there too. I hate it when it storms or rains while camping as everything gets wet, then has to dry out. We will be bringing all home too, which is a lot to pack up. We did bring a lot home, so that's a plus! 

Another busy work day, which is great. I picked up an old client last week, so that works for me! I did lose one client due to finances, but I knew months ago as yesterday was her last day. So that's a bummer but what can you do?? I'll do more advertising next week. I should do a little today, and still might do some this afternoon. I don't have anything else planned, so it might be a good idea to just do one hour. 

I was going to color my hair yesterday, but didn't really feel like it. I have to do it before this weekend! Which means tonight! 

I checked on the grass seeds I planted and it's about an inch. Of course there are still bald spots since the seeds seem to move and clump up when it rains. lost a lot of dirt where I filled in around some roots. I'll need to add more in that area and plant more grass. It's nice not having to water with all the rain. At least that's a plus for grass growing. It might not survive the heat this weekend and we aren't expecting rain here at all. I might have to water? Probably won't and will be bummed when the grass doesn't make it. Seems to grow just fine in area's I don't want it. 

I still have to tar our driveway and add rocks under the deck, plus mulch the rock wall etc out in the back yard. I won't have time or the funds to do that this week. I just hope to get it all done before summer is over at this point. 

We have plans in 2 weeks to go to a friend's cabin for the weekend. Plus, we want to go to Grand Marais for the weekend. I'd like to go next week. Thursday afternoon - Sunday. Guess we will see? 

Steve might get a big bathroom job from one of my clients. They want to do a whole re-do. Fingers crossed that all works out and is asap!! 

That's about all we are doing for the month of July. August there is the state fair, Logan goes back to college not sure if we are also making a trip out to Milwaukee. Probably since he needs all his clothes etc. It's over my birthday and Labor Day, so hard to find a camp spot, which is a bummer! Wish it was the week after, so that would not be an issue. It's his last year and only 10 more apartment payments!!! July- April. I'm sure the time will go fast and then he will graduate. 

We also will be that much closer to paying off our mortgage. Done in 2026 and I cannot wait!! Just seems to take forever, but time does pass so fast. Just keeps speeding up. 

I am turning 56 this year. Steve will be 60 next year. Wow! We are the old people now, but on the young side of that at least for a few years. 

Not sure what our plans are this fall. Probably more camping somewhere. I haven't done a whole lot of biking lately. Probably should do more of that. It's just been raining so much! About all I have planned for Sept is a colonoscopy. /Summer/fall camping - back to school 
Oct /fall camping
Nov- Logan is home from college, T-day, plus b-days, Election/Winter
Dec xmas and Logan is back for winter break, plus bdays
Jan - hopefully Biden press, 2025 new year
Feb - Celina's b-day 25
March - Logan's spring break
April - last college apartment payment/Spring
May- Logan graduates, move out of Milwaukee, camp Sauk, Steve 60/summer!!
June - Camp
July- 4th
Aug - my bday 57

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Last of the season!!

 We went boating on the St. Croix river yesterday afternoon for the last time of the season. It was a nice 84*F day, kind of cloudy. The wat...