Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Looking forward to the week ahead!

 We are headed to the North Shore this weekend. Leaving Thursday. Wish it was a longer trip, but I'll take it! The weather should be perfect too! We plan to do this on the cheap, staying for free and cooking most meals. I'd like to get one fish meal and buy some donuts too. Activities are free too just the cost of gas getting there. We hope to go again in August but will see how the weather turns out and what we want to do. 

The weather cooled off again after having high humidity for a few days. I didn't mind th

Weekend photos

e heat, but it feels good having the windows and back door open again. Plus, no rain for 10 days, maybe? I do like the grass green without having to water anything. 

I did mow yesterday, but kept the front yard higher in length just because we don't need it burning up now. 

I have a busy work day 4 houses!! I'm starting early so I finish early! Plus, I'm trying to accommodate 2 peoples schedules. It all works out and they are easy jobs, so that helps! 

After work, I need to get some supplies for the weekend. Might wait till tomorrow to get that stuff. I still need to sort through the camping stuff and get that organized, and finish washing the sleeping bags. 

I'll pack the car tomorrow night and use Logan's for work Thursday. This way, we can leave right away when I'm done working. We are taking 2 kayaks and 4 bikes. There aren't enough bikes or kayaks for everyone, but we can take turns or do other things.  

I should do some advertising today, but I'll just prep more flyers so I'm ready for next week. Plus, I want to get the camping stuff ready and have a long day of work to get through! Which I should be getting ready for now! 

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Last of the season!!

 We went boating on the St. Croix river yesterday afternoon for the last time of the season. It was a nice 84*F day, kind of cloudy. The wat...